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TABLE. thebeginning ofall perfecution. 362. 21. What is our Guide now in the new Teftament the lavebeeingabro- gated? 2 34.2 2 Men are faid to bevnder grace two wales. 318.28 One little graceof God brings ma- ny other with it. 391.11 & ide the antecedent and firft grace there is necefl`arie a fubfequent, or recant" grace. 42 1.34 Grace mentioned in the Scripture twofold. 651.3; Gratin gratum facient , and gra- tiagratu data. ibid.34 Gratiagratwnfacient,naturall, or fu- Whpernaturall. ibid. 40.x652.1 y the fauour and loue of God is called the Grace of Chrift? 65z. 15. efoule the proper fubieft of Grace. 652.3 2 H Hatred: whether a finne or not? 435.4. Whatit is. 435.27 What a rightheart is ? 11 1.17 What a humble and honefi heart is? 111.18. Mans heart peruerfc toGodsordi nance. 618.12 What Heretic is? 432.1 2.18 Difference betweene heretic and fchifnae. 432.36 Difference betweene heretic and a Pimple error. 433.9 Three things in<herefie. ibid. z o Three rules to prefcrueour fettles fromheretics. 433.20 There are twe degrees of honour. 455.22. I Idolatrie committed twowaies.3o4. 16. ThatIdolatrie maybe rooted out of themind,what is tobe done3 o5. 37. What Idolatrie is? 427. 2 2' An Idol and Idolatrie taken two. waics, 427.22 the Romifh religion teacheth Ido- latrie fourewales. 428.9 their Argumentsanfwered. ibid. 24 Iealoufie twofold. 329.16 Good Iealoufie Bands in 3 things. 331.26.332.6. What the name of [Iew] fignifieth' oppofed to Gentiles? 270.13 Ofthediflinftion climes& Gen- tiles, thecaufe ofit. 514.3 Wherein it Bands ? 114.16 How longit endured ? ibid. ;1 The nation of the Iewes ¡hall be called, and concerted before the ende of the world , but whenor howGodknowes. 182.2 Ierufalem a type of the catholike church in fixerefpefts. 3 50.2 it Whether Ignorance be a finne in thofethat want theword ofGod. the0 2 Image of God flandes in two things. ;35.13 Whether Images be necefBarie in- the congregation of the people ofGod? 16í.10 Immoderate vfe of Gods gifts is ; wales. 400.27 Impofitionofhands by thechurch of