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r"- A TABLE. ofAntiochvpon Paul nocalling Iudifine what it is? 4t.12 buta confirmation ofhis calling. What it is to Iudaife? 112.3 2.13. Iudge the bell of others : three ob- Imputationwhat? 175. i 8 ieftais mooucd: &anfwered.392 Imputation twofold .175 to. 25. In gluing Iudgment of Churches Things indifferent not to be vied as three rules to be niai ked. 8. z 5 oft as we Idle and how we will. Three things are fubiccî to Judge- 80. 22. ment. 156. 3 Twothíngs relraine, thevfe ofthé Iudgement is twofould. 159. 25 indifferent. 80. 29 The dutie of miniflers often to A thing indifferent when it ismade , forewarne the people , and the necef trie to faluation is not to be' dutie of the people often to me- vied. 81 z 5. ( ditate ofGods judgements. 441. Infantes how they are to be tearmed t o. 15. innocents,and how not? 525.39 Iugling a kind of witchcraft. 429. Infantes haueno good workes. 553 35. 8, What the word iuflife lignifies? Infantes to be iudged not by the 716.8. booke ofConfcience, butby the The fubiel ofiuffification. T t 7. so booke .of life. 5 5 3.10 Fallecaufes ofiuflification. ibid. 35 Infcriptions no part of Scripture. What is that thing inChrifi by and - Ï ; 658, forwhich we arc Iuflified. 118. What the Interceflion of Chrifi is. 32. 298, 7. We are not Iuf}ified osaely by the Certain Interpretation ofScripture paillon ofChriff. 121.10 "where tobe found? 352.33 The meanes of iuflification. 123. Ioy is twofould. 444. 17 Ioy o£grace in this life flandes in three things, and hath a double fruit. 444.18.23 Paul madefiue Iourneyes to Ierufa- 1em. 74. 2 We arc to haue force warrant for our fournies: where three fortes ofmë are tobeblamed.?5. 15. 20 Ifrael twó fould. 646. 1 Ifradl ofG od, what? í61d. 4, Ifrael ofGodwhy mentioned? ibid. 6. 30. Faith aloneIuflifieth. 129. 17 Iullice twofould,of the perfon and ofthe aft. 176.18 The danger ofthedoctrineofIufli- ficationby workes. 397. 291 Iuflification is twofould : of the , perfon, of the faith of the per fon. 385.51 Arguments againft Iuflification by works. 375.3 Faith and loue no ioynt caufes in luflification. 354. 10 Eceec 2 384. i