A 7 384. '0. Whofoeuerobfinatelymaintaineth the dott:rine of iuffification by workes cannot be faced, 373'. 30 Obieflions rernooued. did The kindes ofiu }f cation. r3 r. 8 Titepraerife of them that are iuflifi- ed. 131.36 But one Iuflification 177.1 Papifis in the day ofdeath renounce luflification by worker. 183. 34 There -is a Iuflification beforeGod, and a Iu!}ification before then. 19' > We are Iuflified not only by the death but alfo by the obedience ofChrif}. 286.18 No 'unification byworkcs.4t9.9. 420. 6. The twofould popifh Iuf}ifìcai- on confuted. 348. t K KingdorneofGod what? 42. 2 5 Gods kingdome what it fignifieth. 441. 22. Knowledgeof thé true God (lands in two points: 248. 20 Knowledgeofgod is 2.fould.3o3.5 Knowirdge whereby men know God is either litterall or fpitituall. 306. 4. Theproperties of1piritaali arc three 306. 18. t The Knowledge whereby God jKnowes men flandes in 2. things 30*. t0. and it bath two properties. 309.24 aL E, We are free from the Law in Poore refpeffs. 136. r o The mairie difference betweene the Law and theGolbell. 194, 36, .' 214.17. Why the lawe is vrged though we. cannot keepe iti t96. 16 The difference of the promifes of the Law and the Gofpeil. 2 r 0.27 Impoffìble for any man in the time this life to fvifill.the Law. 186. 35' Obefiions remooued&c. ibád 1 r. There are two kindes, of fulfilling theLaw: 189.1 The Lame is not greuous three waies: vide commandements. The difference of the promifes of the Law and the Gofpel. 210.17 How theLaw reuealed inne before Chi ifl and after? 216. 14. I The vfe ofGods f avvfs'. 227.23 The Lawe is a Schoolen of}er to Chrift in two refpegis. 229'. to When theLawe of Moles was ab- rogated? 230.19 How farr forth the Lawe is abroga- ted? 230. 3 8 What is the Moral! , Ceremonial!. andIudiciall law? 230. & v3 t And how Barr forth they are all ab-. rogated? ibid. Two notes whereby a Judicial' Law may be dilcerncd to be Morali.I 232.30. What is our guid the Lawwe beeing abrot*ated' vide .,aide l Thediflinetii'onofLatria and Dulia friuolous. 313. .e The Law c®fìdered 2.waies.z88.2z I The Lawisayoke 3. waies. 288.28 . 6 A treatile of beein; under the Lawe I