A TABLE. -19 and redemption frortnit. 238. 20! Fiuedegreesin the way and order. Our hbcrtie Ly : Chrifl: frees v.s.1 vted in procuringour liber tie by from theLawe three wales. 272.8 (tariff. '278735` The fulfilling of the lawe in this life! A treatifeof liberziebygrace.; 66.12 is imperteR. 377. 4 I Whatis the authoritie of it: the per- The true difference betweene the( Ions to whome it belongeth, and lawe and the Goipell in.7. things our dulie touching this libertie? 16. 347.23. IOfthe parts of chrnftion 11Lertia> The talle différenceconfuted. 34.8.; ;66. z 4, How the whole lave is fulfilled in Maáiftracie and Chriflian libertie the loue ofour neighbour '4o Tranlgreflion of the Law twofould. may Hand together. 369. s Chrifl procures hbcrtie by two 459.59. tneanes. 3-70. 29 Wherein the law and the Gofpell a -Í Ponifh religion isTtt againfl Chrì- grcc? vide Gofpell Í than hbcrtie, and that two wales. i By our faith we doe not abrogate thel 372.7. lawe but eflablith it in two re- I Our hbcrtie freesys from the Lawe- fpcu s. 493.1 three wales. - 372.8' Wherein the lawe and Golpel d,f- Our ine ought to be a pilgrimage : fer. vide. Got-pet, 355.. 56. . No man 4111-14 hie cari fulfil the law, There is a natural! and fpirituall life prooued. by toure Arguments . 1.38. 20 499.17. There are 3. degrees of life, r40.24 1 TheLawc is laid to befulfrlicd threc: The fpirituall hte flandese(pccially 1 wales. go3. 3 5 in three things: 549. 26 Fulfilling of the lawe taken two Life is created or vncreated: created- wires. s0.4.5 is naturali or fpirituall .452. 35 League with the. Deuill two-fould. Two degrees offpirituall life. 453.1 429- 20. In what fen(e life eternal is a reward? The lave bath a three found v i e 570 1 1 though it cannot be fulñiled.5a4 I What re(cmblance it bath with a re= 5 S. I ward? ibid._2o Whymen are Co cold in lïberalie? I Ofour lirnitatiot.; of Opinion and 555.9. 1 affeäion. 353.23. ç. Rules for the vie of liberty. 402.2 Long- fufferingwhat,and the thanes Chriftian iibcrtie abufcd. 3. wales. to vie, la 445. 2 400. 17. Selfc-loue, . vide Oucrwet- What is theabufeofliberty&-whsre nitigi it is to be found, and what is the Of loving our. Neighbour vida' riryht vie ofits": 400. 5 2 ' Neighbour. Eéee3 OF x