Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

e././ TABLE. OEmutualiloucbetweene Paflor & People. 320.27 How faithworkesby loue? 383.13 The vfe of loue, though it doe not iuflifie. 385.13 What the loue ofour Neighbour is? 403. 12. What is the vfeof Loue. 40;. 290 Sixe fortes ofinen hue in the breach ofthe rules of Loue. 4 )4. t How loue is a fruste of the fpirit. 443.27. Loue followes faith and regenerati- on : therefore the firft aRof loue is not bynature as the Papifls teach. 443. 9 The loue of God what? 443 .40 Three efpeciall figues whereby it is difcerned. 444. 1 The Loue of our Neighbour what ibid. t 2. Why theLoue of our brother is cal- led the loue ofChrift rather then ofnature, ofGod, or of Moles? 994. 8. Thegrounds ofLoue three.593.12 TheLoueof our Brethren greater orlefTer, twowaics. 597. 1 S Howwemutt loue all men alike & howwe may not? ibid. l8 How {arr doth the child of God proceede in the luftes ofthe flefh: 414. 33. Flue degrees ofluffs. 414.36 The lufts ofthe flefb hath two afti- ens. vide. Flefh The lullsof the fpirit bath two vide. fpirit. Luftafter Baptifane in the regale. sate is a finne. 419. 2 45 Lulls what? o, 33 What a lyeis, and whether a finne orno? Difference betweenea lye and a Pa-' rable. 63. 7 And betweene a lye and the con cealement ofa thing. 63. 1; Betweene Lying & faynin ; .63. 26 Reafons againft lying. 447.26 M Whether Magiflrates be neceflarie in the focietics ofChriftians?268. 23. Magiftracie and Chriflian libertie may ftand together. vide libertie. How the !awe of the Magiflrate makesan indifferent thing to be neceffarie? 369.37 Mariage what it is? 341.40 Mariage noe lowing to the Flefh as Tacianus the Heretique and Sy- ritius the Pope would haue it, but to the fpirit. 563.19 By Market what is figniñed. 648.9 Markes ofChrift oftwofortes .ibid. 20. Vifible orinuifiblc : Outwardor inward : typical! or, real!. ibid. 34 Rcall markes double either in his natural body or r yflicall. 649. 1 How the markes in his natural body doe differ from thole inhis mifli- flicall body. ibid r9 VVhat vfe to be made of Pauls markes. 65o. 2 The markes oldieFratres flagellan- tes to be derided. ibid. 25 Legates giuen to the maintenance of the IQ , may be applied to the