Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

.fl TABLE. the maintenance ofthe truewor fhip ofGod. 208.9 The difference of Meekenes and long fuft:ring. 448. 1 VYhat mcekenes is? 464. 3o. 465. 29. Theeffeets ofit. ibid. 34 Motines to Meekenes. 465. io How there is but one Mediator ? 217.32. HowMofes was a Mediatour? z r 9. 23. Howwe arc toput affiance in men? ;92.32. VVe fcruc God in feruing of men. 406.5. Howmen are nothing of thEfelues. 5o6. 1. zç. Men naturally thinke too well of themfelues. 507.8 Howweare to plcafc men and how not? 515. 3 2 Herein fixecautions to be vied. 5)6. 3. Godsmercie great to finncrs.49.26 It kath adouble effeft in vs. ibid. 3 3 It is muchabufed and how? 40 Bymercy what is vnderflood ?645. 7. 1 All Merits and fatisfaEEions for linnet are to be reduced to the perfonofChrifl and if there be nohumane fatisfaftions, nor me- ritorious workes. 14. 24 Merit ofcondigniticmay be wider- flood three waits. 565. 16 VVhat Papifls hould merit of 1 good workes in regard only of Godspromife and divine accep- tation; and what in refpefï part ly oftheir owne worthincs partly of Gods acceptance , and what onely in regardofthe dignitie of the worke? 565.2o Mufflers rnu(l dcliuer nothing of their owne. 6. 10 Minifters which are to be teachers itrft mull be taught. 38. 3 They mull be taught by men where revelation is wanting. ;8. 22.1 1s'liniflers are piliers and how >! with the vfcof it? 97. tj Minifters of the word mull ofne- ce(lìtic ioyne with gooddoftrine the exampleofgood life. 109.5.' What kind of men Miniftersought tobe? 318.16 Miniflers duty fpecially to re- prooue. 477.37 The miniilerie is painfull like the trauaile ofa woman. 334. r2 Thedignitie of theMiniflerie. 334. 26. Miniftersmull temper their giftes to their hearers. 338. 37 Miniticrs fubieét to Flanders. 394. 37. Whether a Minifler may not con- ceale the truthTome time? 395. 31 Miniflers lines Illould be reali Ser- mons. 623.30 The condition offaithfull Miniflers- is tobe full of troubles. 647. 28 inwhat cafe a Minifter in his Area thing, mayvfePhilofophie, tefli- monie ofProphane writers, and quotations of Fathers. 541. 25 Mtntflcrs that labour in the word may lawfully take wages though they haue fufficient of their owne. h