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Epiflle to the ÿalatiant. Chap.T. ¡ 65 i is to thedeuil! and b y truthwe are made conformable to fiant , } God , who is truth it felte. Thirdly , we arc 1anetified by the wordoftruth,Ioh.i 7.I7.and guided by the tpirit of truth and therefore we are to dcteft lying, anddeceit. Fourthly ,truth is a 5; fruit of Gods fpirit,Ga1.5.anda markeofGods child,Pfal 3 2. v. 2. he bath the pardonof his finnes in whofefpirit there ix no guile. and Pfal.15. 2. he fballrefl- in the mountatne of God, who fpeakes the trothfrom hia heart. Laftly, deffruEìion is thehers reward.Pla1.5.6. Godwilldeflroythem thttfpeakelies: and tljey o muff haue their portion in the lake that burnes with fire and britnftone.Rcue1.22.15. Thus much of the anfwer to the oblation : now followes theconfirmation by oath[6efore God.] Here it may bedeman- ded, how there words canbe aformeof fwearing:.+4n/. In an y 5 oath there be loure things. The fra is, an Affevcraíionof the truth. The fecond is Cenfegion , whereby thepartie that is to fvearc, acknowledgeththe power , pretence, and wifdome of God, in fearching the heart,and that he is bothwitr,cs, & iudge ofall our doings. The third is, lnvocaion ofGod, that hewould 20 bea witneffe with vs, and to vs, that we fpeake theuntil.' The !aft is,!mprecation , that God would be a judge to take revenge vpon vs, if we lie. Now then , the forme of an oath is a eaten forme of wordes, in which not all , but force of the principal! parts of an oath areeaprefled, and the ref}concealed, and yet 2.5 to be vnderlood.Ierem.4.2.there is the forme of anoath,? he Lord limah, and here onely confeffinn is expreffed. The forme of fwearing, !c411 God to witneffe forayfoule, 2.Cor.1.2 ;. ex preffeth the thirdpart,namely inuocation, Thewords, Ruth. 2.17. The Lorddoe theta andtiets untome, is an Imprecation.The 30 commonstorme,The Lord thee helpe through lefurChr¡,is partly praier , and partly imprecation. And the forme in this place is direEtly a ccnfeflion,that God is prelent, to witnes and iudge the truth. Thus commonly in all Formesof oaths one part is expreffed, and the ref}are infolded. 35 Here firf} we learne, that the forme ofan oath , is to be plaine,anddireEt in the name of God, and not indircE}, or ob- lique, in the name ofthe creatures, Godsname cenccaled.Ard it is the flat commandement ofGod, Math. 5.34. It is alleadg- ed,that Paul ¡.Cor. i 5.31.fwearesbybe' reioycingin art fl. I am fwer; the words ofPaul, 67 any reio cing, arc not an oath, but an I.