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5 'í<o the Epiflle to theGalatians. coaítsofSyria andCilicia: and I was vnknowne byface to the Churches ofIudeawhichwere in Chrifr. z2 But thy had heard onely Come fay, He which perfequutedvs in times pail, now preacheth the faithwhich before hedeftroied. 33 And they glorified God in me. Here Paul anfwers an other obiehtion, which maybe fra- med thus : Though Paul learnednot theGofpel of theApo - flies at Ierufalcm yet might hehappily !carne it ofthem ino- ther Churches of Iudea. To this Paul anfwers three things. The firfi is , that he wentfrom Ierufalem intoSyria,andCiljcia. The fecond , that lie etas not knownein perfon to the Churches of ludca,but .oncly by hearfay : andhePets downe thereport that went of him. The third is, that the Churchesof Judea did not 25 difgrace andfinder him,but theyglorified Godfor him. Ofthere inorder. For the first ,that Paul went from Ierufalem firaight intoSyria,and Ciiicia,the regionsofthe G entiles, there be two caufes.One, becausePaul was ordained fpecially to be the A- poflle oftheGentiles,Aft.9.a 5.Rom. r 5.16. The fecond,be- caufe Cilicia was hisowne countrey : for he was borne in Tar- fus a towne in Cilicia : and his loue to his countrey, no doubt, was great. For in the like cafe , he could hauewif :ed himfelle to beaccurfed for his countrimen the Iewes. From this firfl anfwer,I gather two things.Fírfl,ifany.ApofticLone the refl, be the Palfour andvniuerfali Bi(hop of theChurch ouer the whole world, it is Paul,and not Peter:.becaufe he fpecially was ordained to teach and conuertthenations. The fecond is, that.. Pauls often and daungerous iourncies, mull teach vs to attend onour callings with care and diligence, andnot to be difinaied withthe troubles that (hall befallvs. Chap.!. ( 67 15 20 30 35 The