{ 68 +ì Chap.'. ACommentarie vpen TheCecondanfwer, that Paul was knowne to the Chrifian Icwe,,xot byface,6ut byhearfay: this may kettle flrange, cone. dcring Paul was at Ierufalem, and traua.iled through Iurie, into Syria, and Cílicia : but it is the truth : and the rcafon of it is plaine. The officeofan Apoflle, is not to buildupon the foñ- dation ofan other , or to fucceede any man inhis labours, but to plant and found the Churchof the newTeflament, Dbere Chrít hadnot binpreachedor named,Rom. r 5.2o. In this the A- poflles differ from all the Miniflers of the new Teffament whatfocuer. And this is the caule why Paul was not knowne to to the Churches of Iudea. And here we fee, that Succefion (which the Papifls magnifie) is not alwaics a note of the truc Church, and the true Miniflcrie. For the minificric of the A- poflles, and the Apoflolicall Churches wanted it. And this is for the greater commendation of them. i Againe,it is laid, that Paul wasnot knowne to the Churches i ofludea,which were inChrifl.Where let it be obfcrucd,that4. i yeares after the afcenfion ofChrifl,the Apo!iles hadgathered, and planted Cundrte Chriflian Churches in Iudea. This greatly commends theeffrcacie,and power ofthe Gofpel.For hardnes y ofheart had ouerfl?read the nation of the Iewcs , and theyhad reierted and crucified the Lord of life . And thus,°that is verifi- Led which Chrtfl faith , that his Difciples beleeuing in him, fhould doe greater thíngs,thcn he had done, f oh. r 4. r a. for he by preaching did not conuert multitudes of the Iewcs , and 25 range them into Churches, as the Apoflles did. Here againe, we fee that the Gofpei,by means of the corruption ofman,isan occalionofding-ions-For after the golpelwas preached by the Apoflles,thcrearole a diuifion ofChurches among the Lewes. Some wereChurches in Chrifl,and force out ofChrifl;name- 30 ly,the Synagogues which refuted Chrifl.We may not therfore nowe a daies take offence , iffchifines and dtflcntions foilowe, where the Gofpel ispreached; it is not the fault of the Goîpcl, it is the fault ofmen. That Paul might thebetter (hewe,that hewas known to the 35 Churches of the Iewes,onely by heare- fay,he exprefies the re- port that went ofhim.Hence I gather, it is not vnlawfirll to tell and Beare reports;or newes,fobe it,theybe not to thepreiudice ofthe trueth,ofthe glory of God , and the good nameofmen. Nay it is commendable to report, and heart newts, that con- 1 ect nee,