theEpillle to theGalatians. Chap,t.. r 73 bas,and tooke withmeTitus alto. 2, And I wentbyreuelation, and communicated with thé ofthe Go-- fpel, which I preachamóg theGen,' tiles, but privately with them that were the chiefs, leaft byanymeanes I fhould runne, or had . runne ii vaine. t.5 2 ZS 35 N this chapter Paul proceedes to iuflifi and defend, his immediate, &cxtraordina- rie calling. And this whole chapter feemes1 to depend on the IA wordes of the for.' mer chapter, againft which the Aduerfa- ries of Paul might happily obic& on this manner Though the Churchesof Judea glorifie God for thee,yet will not the Apoftles doe it ; becaufe thou teacheft otherwife then they teach. To this obieAion, Paul makes adouble anfwer, in this chapter. The effc 1 and furnineofthe _firft,is this: i went vp to Jerufalem:Iconferred with the Apottles there: I had their confent, and approbation. And the anfwer containes three parts. The firft, ofPauls iour- ney to Jerufalem,in the firft verle: thefccond,of his conference with the Apofiles,in the2.vcr.fe : the third, ofthe approbation which they taue him,from the 3 .v. to theeleuenth. In hisïourney, Iconfider foure things.The fall is,the Man- ner ofhis journeying, in thcfè wordes, if rent vp,or, nfrendedto lerufaler,,. And this he fpeakes, becaufe Jerulalern was placed, andfeated vpon a mountaine,and compaffedwith n<oîttaines, Pfal.a 2 5. or a aine,in relpe& of the dignitie and cxcellencicof theplace:as we in England are laid to Roc vp to London,from all the parts of land, becaufe it is the cheife citie. The fccond thing to he confidercd in t eTourney is, the ititncwhco,in there words, thenafterfoArteene7egret. He-re two que.