Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

Chap.2. ACommentarie vpon cell confinedoffuck as were ofthe Italianf4Eiion, whofc faith was pinned on thePopes ecuc. Neuerthdcfl , we allow all Chriftian Councells , lawfully gathered : and wedelire there might be a General! Counsel! , for the triall oftruth, and for theRaying of vnfetled minds : thefe three caueats becing re-' membred. One , that theConned! be gatheredby Chriltian Princes, towhom the right ofcalling a Councell belongs: The other , that the Popebe no iudge, but a partie. The third, that Chrift in his word be the iudge , and that the Delegates in the Couneell be but as witnclles, determining all things by the written word. I In this conference, we 'are f rfi to confider the manner of conferring, which was vfed. Paul faith , be communicated with the,L, that is , he laid downe vnto them , and expounded the Gofpel which he preached ; and this he did privatly , that is, with the Apoftles, one byone , inplaine and familiar manner, as one friend loth with an other. Therefore for the maintai- ningof this conference, there was no at`fembly made , neither was there any difputation held. OnelyPaul declares his do- Eirine,and they give affent. Hence it appeares, that Paul loth not fubmit the truthof his doEtrine to trial!. For he was rcfol- ued of it , and-he, accurfed him that taught otherwife : but his intent was to fecke the approbation of the Apofllcs, that he might [top the mouth°fhis aduerfaries. The fecondpoint is,the matter ofthe conference,andthat is the Gofpel which Paul preached. Here the Papilt gathereth, that the Church is the iudge,inall qucítions pertaining to reli- gion-, and the word:becaulc it is here the thing that is iudged. I anf.ver,ftril,that they gather amil%.For Paul doeth not here fubmit the G ofpel which he preached,to the judgement ofthe Church of lerut.dem. And it is falfe,which they teach : for the foueraic;ne Iudge ofall clueflions, and controuerfies in relìgi- on,is Chill alone. Thepower to determineand rcfolue in ca- fes concerning faith,andgood life, is infeperably annexed to . his perfon;indtf in it are we to refl. The principal' voiceof the iudge,and the definitiue fentence,isthe written word.And the officeofthe CLiurch,is no more but to gather,declare,teftifie, andpronounce this fentence. It is obieaccl,thatwhen a clue- flion is propounded,the fcripture cannot fpcakc,nor Chrift in J the Scripture,but theChurch onely:I anfwer againe,that God I af- 5. Ip 20 25 30 3S