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86 Ch- ap. 2. , . `4Cornnaentaric vpon Tfieodoree. hiék,tib.,c.i6. Thusvnderthe name ofChriftianitte,therebe fwarmes ofA- thcif}s,Epicures,Ltbertines , worldltngs , and propbane per- fons.At thistimc,according to auncient cullome, we celebrate the mernorialf ofthe birthofChrift : and yet no time fo full of diforder as this. For the molt that protein Chill, takeand challenge to thcmfclues,a licentious libertie,to line and doe as they lift:and this kindoflibertie, is flat bondage. But they that are feruants ofChrifl indeed , diould take heede of this bon - I dage:For Geeingfreefrom linne, they shoulddeforuants ofnwhiner but righteoufnefje,Rom.6. a 8. They that be ofa corporation, to Eland for their liberties:whata (home then is it,that men 11iould loue bondage , and negleft the fpirituall libertie, which they haueby ChriII. Thus,`vefee,howe the falfc brethren vrged circumcifion: now let vs come to Pauls refu'fall. The firft point i-s, that they t_ S wouldnot girde place for an houre . It feemes they were reque fled to vfe circumcilion but once but they would not yeeld, fo much as once:becaufe their afle would haue tended to the prejudice ofChriftian libcrty,in all placcs.Herewe learne,that we maynot v(e the leaf} ceremonie that is, in thecafe ofcon- 2 feflon,before our aduerfarics, that is, when they fecke to op prcffe the trueth , by face, or by fraud , and make ceremonies, figaes,andtokcns,ofthe confcflìon of any vntrueth.Iulian the 'Emperour fitting in achaire ofeflate, gane gold to his fouldi- - ersone by one,withal cómadingtocall of fräkincenfe,fomuch 25 as a graine into the fire,that lay vpon an heathenifh aitar,before him. Nowe ChriP ian fouldiers refufcto do it:and they which had not refufcd,afterward recalled their açt-e,and willingh' fuf. fered death. }Again:, here we learne, that we arc not to yeeld from the 3* leafl part ofthe.trueth of the G ofpel , that God bath reuealed to vs. This truth is more pretious, then the whole world be- fide:and heauen andearth fhall rather paffe,then the leaf" tittle out fhall not be açcomplifhed . The commifiîon oftheApo- flles,was to teach them,to doe all thin s,which Godhad corn- 35 manded.Therefore the vnion or mixtureofour religion with thepopifh rcligion,is but a dreame ofvnwife Politickes:for in this mixture,wcmuli yeeld, and they muff yeeld fomething: but we maynotyeeld a lot of the truth reuealed to vs. Thereu nofellerrflipof light with darkgnefe. t. Cor. 6, Colacinthus a' naughtic