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the EFi%fle to theCalatianr. Chap: T. along thegodly; as betweene Paul and Barnabas , Paul and Peter : in the church of Corinth there were fchifines t. Corn r. I . Confent therefore lmply,vnles it be ioyned with true faith and true doE}rrne, is not offorce to declare vnto vs the true 5 Church. The tecond errour is that the catholike content of belecuers w pointes of-religion is thetrue and liuely fcripture, and that the written word is but a dead letter to it, and tobe iudged by it for his fenfeand meaning . But all is contrary . For the writtenword is the firff,&perfk&t pattern ofthemind x o and kvill of God : and the inward confent in the hartes of nten 'is but rude and imperfea extraft, and draughtof it. The fecond point is wherein ¡brides this content ? it muff bane his foundation in ChrifI,& thence flow to the members, 1 as the o:le from Aart,ns head, to his garments. Pfal. t 3 3. and i5 it Itandes in three things, content in one fa;th and (latrine : confent in offeetion, whereby men be ofonehart. Aa. 2.47. confent in f,eaclr. r.Cor. r. t o. The thirdpoint is where itis now to be found?The Papins fay that they haue true and perfe(l: confent among themfelues,. so and that fathers and Councells be on their fide : and that we haue no confent among our (clues . I anfNer fïrff , that they haue not the cbfent INhrch they pretend, for the proper points of Poperywere not known to theapolles nor tothe Apoflo- licall churches,but were takenvp in the ages following by little 25 and hale. Secondly, Inch dotlrines as thepapifls make articles: offaith, are but opinions and conieEtnres in the fathers and- Connects. Thirdly,the things which the Papifls hold are the fameperaduenture in name,hut they arenot the fame ir.decde with that which the fathers hold , neither are they holden in 3 o the fame manner:as for example the purgatory which the fa- thers hold is a thing far different from the purgatory. of the ',Tiffs, and Io all the refl . Ofconfent they may braggy, but i they.cannot grew it. As for our (clues , we all confent in the foundation ofreligion. There is difference about the defcent 35 ofChriff into-hell. The thingwe all l<old , namely a defeat : the difference is in themanner, whether it be ver tuaily or lo- cally. There i; difference about the paincs of Chrifl in' his a- gong and n-affion : yet all acknowledge the infinite merit and efficacyofthe deathofChriff°. There is difference about the gouernement of the vilible church on earth . For the fub 1 fiance