Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597


TREATISE TENDING VNTO A. DECLARAT1ON,WHE_ THER A MAN BE IN TIDE ESTATE of damnation , or in theeflate of grace: and if beebe in the f rß,hory he may in timecome out ofit .: if in the fecond, howhe may difcerne it , and perfeuer in the fame to the end. Rekiex+edmdcorrelledby the cluthoKr. Thepointes that are handledbe let downe it the page following. x,Pet. i.verfe to. Giate diligenceto +vsalZeyour callingandeleElionfurerfor ifye . doethefe neuerfall_ LONDON Printedby the Vhdowe Or.wiñ f Iabnp©rter. x 5 9

The Contenir oftheBoo&e. How far aReprobate may goe inChriftianReligion. A 2.3 Theeflateofa true Chriftian in this life : which alto fheweth howe- far thehiedbeing called,goe beyond all reprobates in Chriffia- nitíe. ADialogue to the famepurpofe, gathered out ofthe fauorie wri- tings ofMatter Tindalland Bradford. ,470 How a Reprobatemay performe all the religion ofthe Church of Rome. fr 9;/ 7 he confliCts between Satan andaChriftian. ¡/3 Flow the word'of God is to be applyedaright vnto the confcience,JZG Confolations forthe troubled confciences ofweake Chriflians. /2 ADeclarationofcertaine fpirituall Dekrtions. /32 qx tth Caa,_ cu.. ßuÿ nri wí Pr /43 4440 w-se. off 4,44Áy1 - if y 94, i 0w 47'4:?FA 0,, h 2s 28 cc t ehJ o&eA4 h 234 yiC aGa.c Gy w i C,;,,6 e/ i4 ofaLelt C(iavk of gCOí'ayj.LY .5PO4.t` iQ, A 23,7 Ah. eecuo,.f u,.., f íra..,. Gy iur-13,1 h. zI At'2144 ° kra ti °-W l. dPw f w nav x,./ 4+,4_3) y. ° Có 4P 0/1---tia WL C ,t._ /.0X-.-e oavt,...,.!- J-2: 9myw . / o /Q.óa4,, fn- a. dtdC4»44t, -te, (Stilit /714/714,4^/ 9441"l wu.- "A.,,., 4v.2-4-ry,,,, sw fr s z.o.r,.y-f-°lti,l-. .__ .f7 3. t2. rtc .!"se., One.óuir,w h71- 7.k... Aio?c,., 7.--41»,ir..,. Rg-6:p.;,. t4.2:t,,, -it:uof. _

walL1-51-sz, TO THE RIC(HT WORSHIP- FVL AND MY CHRISTIAN friend illy/ler ValentineKnigbty, tôfq#ire, oneof het M aiefiies latices ofpeace ias `lorth.zmpton-fhire. Ir, I pray you confider with mean efpeciall point of Gods word,carefully tobe waycd : it is tlsiS.amanypro%fsors ofChr i l,in the day Of aMath.sq: grace ,oer/vaair them /dues that theyare in the g:39",%5..6 leftate of-grace and fa the trueChurch eflee- r r.11. rn. etbof them taaaryeEwhen theday ofgrace is Luk.".24. Z J - p al,theycontrar w;/e shallfr4de themfelues to all pro.t e- be in ch.? c< ofdamnation remed<'le fse. Adoleful' cafe, yeta moll what ".°f' te refolute trj Í <<.and thereafen isplaine. Men that line in the Church or iditi4 are greatly tnayctl wi :h a fearefull fecturitieand deadneikofhart, on toewer. bywhich it conics to paire that they think it ynough tomakea corn mon protcitationof the faithnotonce in all their life times, exams. aging themfelues whether they be in the efface of grace before the eternal'God or not. b And indeed it is agrace peculiar to theman It z.Car x Eked totriehimfeife whether he be in theefl:ateofgraceornot. 5. The.ftirtheropeningofthe trueth of thispoint , as altothe dann- Pfa. 9 9. gerof it, I baue en-terprifed in this treatife,'which I am willing to bcffow on you , both for the profession ofthe faith , whichyou make,as alto for that Chriflian fiiendfhip,you haue chewed to me. Accept of it I pray you and vfe it for your edification.'Thus I corn- cAa..zo.,z mend you to God,and to the wordof his gracc,that is able tobuild youvp furt herand glue you an inheritanceamong themwhicharc Can fled. From Cambridge thisz4...of November. 1589. Your ''orihips to commaund, William Terliru. Bh4

To the j3î"t ,Fl1Qi2 `er"lder. Ood.Reader,it`isa thing to be conzdered, that a mass mayfeeme both vr.'to hinifelfe ftsid to the Church of Godtobe rr trueprefeff,"ur ofthecofel,andyet indeed benone.e ullpróftjorsthatbeofthisfort,areexceltent- lie defcribcd,Euke 8.verf.' theft words, And they which are Vpoii the flonieproundeare they ,which whcn theyfhailheare,receiuethe word withioy :but hauing:io route belecue foratime,and in the time oftemptationgot away. where are to tee notedthree :hinges. Firft , theirfaith , in that tby arelaid to beleeuefor a feufon. Se condlie,thefruites ofthatf:"tith,in thattheyarefail to receistethewordpreached with ioy.7 birdly,theirvnfounctneffe,in that they are compared t of'oryground, and in thetimeoftemptation goc away. Concerning theirfaith,whereas the s` írite ofGod f ith,tbat theydoe belceue, thefethinges are to bee canfdered. Firfl, that they hat.e the knowledgeof the word of God. Secondly , that the), both can an;' doegiue3ff ?t veto the wade ofGod,that itis rno§1 true. Thirdly,in more (Jieciall rnaner theyglueaffnt veto the covenant ofgracemadein Chriii,that it is mefl certaine andlitre: andthey are perfWadedinagenerallandconfafed manner, that Godwill verifiethefame couenant in themembers ofhis church. This is a!1theirfaith ; whir.b indeedpro- ceedethfromthe holy Gboil,butyet it is notfaficient tomake themfound Fro- feffrs .For albeit they doegenerallie beleeue Godspromifes,yet herein they de- ceive thensfelues,thatthey nesrerapplie andappropriate thefarmpromifestotheir owns locales. An example ofthisfaithwe haste, John z. verfe 24. where it is Paid ; that when our Sauiour Chrill" came to Ierufalem at the _Pall ofEafter, maniebeleeuedin his nameandyet hewouldnot commithimfelfev=nto them, becaufe heknewthem all,and what was in them. To come to theferand thing: thofcprofe(forswhichare indued with thusmuch grace,as to beieaue in Chrifl ina cos: f'4fedmanner,goeyetfarther :for this their faith, though it bee notfujicient tofiluation,yet it fheweth itfelfe by certaine finites which itbringethfoorth:foras 4 tree ora branch ofa tree that bath no deepsrooting , but eyt her is covered with aferee modes l > or els lyeth in the wa- ter, at thefeafono f theyearebringethforth ¡eaves andblo f fomes, andfamefruit too,andthatforoneortwo,ormoeyeares:foone that is anhearer ofthereerd,may receivethetword: andtheword asfeedc, by this generallfaithmay beefomewhat roared in bùheart:andf (itlcdfara feafoaa;artriMg bringfourth fmefrutes inhis life

7 'F.6 :theReader. zz lifeperadventurevery fairs' in hie ("wifeand other mend eyes :yet indeed Weit her foundnor lafling,noa'fubigantiall. what thef f cites are ,it maybee gathered foorthofthef words,where itisfayd,that they receiue the word with iuy , when theyheareit:forheremay begarhered,Firft, that theydozvillingly ftbie t them_ i fiber to the mini. rerieoftheword. Secondl y,that theyare asforwardasany,ane! z as ioyfasll infrequentingferrr:ons. Thirdly,thatthey reuerence the tJ4'finiters 3 whonatheyfoioyfullyheare. Lalllhe ,they corrdertrne themofirdspietie, whichwill 4 not beehearers,or ben:gligent hearersoftheword. Nozv,ofthefandfilch like fruites , this may beeadded: though theyarenot found ,yet theyarevoydofthatgrote bindeofhypocrifeForthe mincìes o f t hole Marke,that `l'rofeforsare inpart errlightenert,andtheirhartsareenduedfrithfilch afaithiás there is a maybringforth theffruitsfora time:& therforeherein theydifemblenot that ttuefaith, faithwhich they havenot: but ratherThew that which the have. Adole hereon- n'rcughc that a manbén inthis e atx .na deceive hire el e and themo Godly in the Gboil, very. world,whichhaw thegreafgiftesofdifcernini how theyand theirbrethren ikeCauing ,/land before the Lord: like u the tree with reen frame; deceivedourSauiour faith., yet Chriff ashe was ratan rforwhen inhis hungerhecame veto it to bastehadfonte ¡having; f site hefounds one. Iftbu befo,itmaybe thenrequired, how there vnjs<ndprofef/òrs differ from trueprofeörs. ranfvere,in this they differ, that theyhave notfound hearted to eleanevetoÇhrifllefusforever. which appeareth inthat theyare compared to fllonieground,Nowfloniegroundes mingledwithfume earth are commonly hot, andtherefore haueas it werefame alacrttie andhaflineffein them, andthecorn asToone as itis call into this ground ,it sproutcth out variefpeedily , butyet ftonesrvìllnotfuller thecorne tobe rooted deeply beneath, and therefore whe*' Summer conr,-etb thebladeofthecorne witherethwith routes and all. Soit with thetaprofelfors ;they haue in their heartsflume good motions of the holie, Gho.+ ,to that which isgood theyhaueakindeofzeale to Godsword, theyhavea liking togood¡hinges, and theyareasforwardasany otherfor a time , andthey doe bcleeue.7lut thefegoodmotions andgraces arenot lafling ,but like theflame andflafhingo ffiraweandRubble:neither are they fuficient to falugtaon. with the trueprofeffors it isfarceotherwife:for they haue vpright andho. fleahearts before the Lord, Luke 8.vea f r 5. And theyhaue faith which wor- keth by Ioue. Galath. 5. verfe. 6, end that (hriltian man which loteeth God, whatfoeuer (hallbefall,yea though it were a thoufand deaths, yet his heart can neuerbeefeueredfrom the Lorde andfrom his SaseiourCbriff : as thefpatufe fpealseth unto Chrift ofher owneloue, Cant. 8.verf. 6 Set me as a. feal_e on thyheart, as a fignet upon thyarme: for Ioue isas firong as death : lea- Ioufiie is ascrud as the graue; thecodes therofare fierycoales anda vehement flame. Much water cannot quench loue,neithercan the fondsdrowne it : ifa man fhould glue all the fubflance ofhis houfe for loue, they woulde greatly., c.onternne it >. n lses.,fere,

22 To the Reader. ti herfore (goodRealer)fieingt here isfuche fmilitudeandof j"initiebetween . the,I;srofthe Gs ,ell,andthetrue profefforef thelerae: it is the &sts ofeueric Chrillian totrieandexaminehimflfmhether he be in thefaith or Net. 2.Lor. z 3 .ver f 5. rindwhew it isanhard thingforaman tofearchout his ownheart,weare to prey untoGtdthee he wouldgiatevshisfpirit todlcernbe. :weeniethatwhich isgoodandveilin vs. Area, when amanbath foundout thee. Tare ofhis heart by f arching it,he is further too'bferue andkeep it withal dili- gence. Pron. 4.verfd3. thatwhen the heureofdeath,orthedayoftriell fha/l come, hemay hand[sere andnot be deceiaedofhishope. ,endfor thispurpofeIbanedefcribed theNeal ofthefe fundl treati f s whicls fodowe, tominifer veto theeformehelp in this exawinengand obf erehsg tithing swneheart. Read themandacceptofthem , and bythe bl /angof god thez/haf not bevnproßrableunto thee. 4ndiftheyfhallon) whit help thee, help well; with thyprayerr. I 5.9 5. F IAC1S, Certaine

CERTA INE PROPOSITIONS DE- CLARING HOW FARRE A MAN MAY goe in theprofeffionoftheGofpell,and yet bea wickedmanoraReprobate, if-1" N I Reprobate bath in his mindacertaine a knowledgeof God, of commonequitie amongmen,of the difference ofgood from a RO.r. z r. bad: and this is partly from nature, partly from the content- Pta1.:g. r:3 plation ofGods creatures, in which the wifedorne, thepower,: theloue, the, the tr.aieflieofGod isperceiued. II. This l{nowledgeisonliegenerallandimperfe&, much likethe ruines ofa Princespallace : it is not fuflicienttodire&l him in doingofagoodworke. For example,he knoveeth that there is a God, and that this Godmuffbe worfhip_ ped: come toparticulars, whoGod is?what aone he is?howhe mull be wor- lhipped ?Herehis knowledgefailethhim,and he is altogether vncertaine what todoe topleafe God. By reafonofthis knowledge, theReprobate loth giue content, and his heart fubfcribethto thoequityofGods law; as may appeare by the Payingof Medea : videomeliora,probógase;deteriora feqor. That is, I know what is bell` tobe done,and like it;yetI doe theworn. This approbation in the Reprobate commeth from conffraint, and isioyned with adillikingofthelaw :in thee- bRo.y0o le&l beingcalled ,the IA approbation ofthelaw,proceedeth from a willingand readymind; and is ioyned with loue and liking. IIII. Andby reafonofthis light ofnature,ameefe naturaIlman, and areprobate may be fubieEfto formtemptations: for example, he maybee tempted ofthe deuill, andofhis owne corruptflefh,tobeleeue that there is noGodat all. As- Ouidfaithofhimfel , Eleg. 3. Sollicuormalesefe!waredcos:I am often temp-- ted to thinke there isnoGod. V,. The reprobateforall this knowledge,inhislheart may be anAtheifl, asDa-- uid faith: cThcfoole bathfaidinhisheart there isno God. And a man may now`Ra.r aì adayes findhoufes and townes fuII offuchTooles: Nay, this glimmerin light ßom.3 I ` ofnature;except it bepreferued withgood bringingvp, with diigent infiru-- étibn,and withgood cotnpanie, it wil befodarkened,that aman (hall knowe verielitle,andleadalifelikeaverybeafhasexp riencetelleth;andDauid knew verywell: whofaith, d Mars isi:a honour, and vndertandethnot ;heis Isk.çtc beafls thatperiJZ .. d Pfa1.4q. VI. zo,, Wherefore, thisknowledge whichthe reprobate receiucthfromnature,and.. front

24 OH rr°Q liepfobate from thecreatures,albeit it is not fufficient tomake him doe that which flull ;014.`7 lcafeGod : yet beforeGods iudgement feat, eitcutteth offal! excufe,wlzics he might alleadge,why he shouldnot becondemned. VII. fFt:b.6.4 Bcíide this nturall knowledge , the reprobatemay bee made partakerof Pe .2 t.L.23. the-preachingofthe word, and be illuminatedby the belie Ghoft, and fo may come to- theknowledgeofthe reueaied will ofGod itihisword. VIII. Thuswhen theyhearethe preachingoftheword,God profereth Cal nation to man. Zt 4 them , and called, them :g yet this calling is not fo effe wall in themas it is in I U(. ,3.14 the elect children ofGod. For the reprobate, when he is called , he likethhitn- @tou. 1.24. felfe in his owne blindnefle, and therefore neither will he; and ifhe woetld,yet lol,n 9 4 E. couldhenot anfwere,and be obedientto the callingofGod. The ele61 being .uic. I 4. e. called,with fpeed he anfwereth, and cotnineth to the Lord , and his heartbe- ing ready, giuetha flrongat loud eccho to the voyceofthe Lord.This etch. we hTfa1.z7.s fee in I7auids'nart:liWhen (faithhe)thot faydefi, Seekye rosyface:rnine heart an- fwered vntothee; OLord, Crvallfcek ehyface.And(.od hitnielffpeaketh ÿ fame (ibis childrë, Lach.r 3.9 TheyJhall callon myname, andTwillheare them: Iwill fmay, it is my people (nowmarke theeccho)and they fhRl1fáy, theLord ismy Cod. IX. f-Itbr E©. Afterthat.hehath an vnderflanding ofGods word ,.i hemay acknowledge zG thetrueth ofit,andconfcfl'eit andifneed require,beeadefenderofit :As.ludas t.1.1 6.a7 w,as,and Iulian the Apoftata. X. The reprobate mayhaue afeelingofhisGnnes , and fa:acknowledge them, l t.Sa1n"2 i and thepunifhmentdue vino them : k as Saul did; who fayd, I haaue/trned:come againmyformeDavid ;for Iwilldoe thee no Lrme, bccanfe myfoulewaspreci- ous in t bineeyes thisday: Behold Ihaue donefoolifhy,and haueerred exceeding- 1 Gen 4.131y. ThusdidCaine,1when he Paid, Mypunifhment isgreater then I can beare. in Eurhb.$ En GaleriusMaximinus,a vileperfecutor ofChriflians ,hadhisbowels rotting £1,2. 17. I s withinhim: fo that an infinite number ofwormescontinually crawled foorth ofhis body,and firth apoyfoning flinke came fromhitn, that no man coulde abide him being thus plagued with the handofGod,hebegan toperceive his wickedneffeinperfecutingChriflians , andbe confidedhis fume's to the true God: andaffembling thethiefe rulers abouthim,he commanded thatal with- inhis Dominions fhould ceafeto troubleChriflians , and its all haftehe made ,claw for the peace and iibcrtie,andthe publike meetings ofChriflians. XI. The reprobatepath oftentimesfeare and terrourofconfcienoe : but this is onhe,becaufe he confidereththewrath andvengeance ofGod,whichis tnofl terrible. WhenPathpreachedbeforeFolix, andby themaieflieof Godsfpi- r; c4e'zt rite,did(as it were)thunderfromheauen agiinflhis ulnnes, doubtlefre he made 3.çay. z Nsheart toake,atdet;ery iointof hiisl to tretrb1e nEcc:bolius a l)hilofopher of Conilanlrnop:e,

Conflantinople,in the dayes ofCanflantius,profeffedChriftian religion,and went beyond all otherin zeale forthe fame religion : yet afterwarde vnderJu- lian , he fc IIfrom thatreligionvnto Gentilifine. But after lulians death making means to be receiued into the Churchagaine , ouerwhelmed with the horror ofhisovvneconfcience for his wickedreuolting, heecat} himfelfe downe on. theground before thedooresofthe Church cryingaloud, Calcatemefalem in- frpielum: Trampleonmevnfaueryfaïte.And the deuill beleeueth thewordeof God and at his ownedamnationhee trembleth. Thefe feruile feares , though theyharden the heartofthe reprobate,asbeate cloth the yron,after it bathbeen in the furnace: yet thefe feares in the children ofGod °are verygood prepara- oA&2.37 tions,tomake them fit to recciue grace: like as we fee the needle whichfoweth Rom, 8'15* not the cloth,yet it maketh apaffage and entrance for the thread ,which ferueth for this vie, to fowe cloath together. XIJ® A reprobate beforehe commit a finne,isoften vexed aaithin himfelfe, and feareth to commit it : not becaufehe hateth anddiftiketh.thefin forit felfe, but becaufehe cannot abide thepunifhment due vntothe fin, i When the laugh- p Mar.6. ro terofHerodias dancedbeforeHHerod,andpleated him : that he might doehera as pleatùre,he badher aske what Thee or ould : the asked John Baptifles head in a platter : Herod didgrant her requefl,but yet hehad a grudging inheart,andhe was fore grieucdat it. q In like maner, Pilat was veriemuch troubled inwardly q Mat.27 before he condemnedour Saviour Chrif. -. r9 z4.j XIII. Afterhe bath committed a fn,hee rforrowethardrepenteth : yetthis repen- r Mar-27.3a tancebath twowants in it. Firfl,he dothnot detefl his fin , andhis formercon. Heb.12.17 uerfation when he repenteth:he doth bewail the loflèofmanie things which he once enioycd: he cryeth out throughveryanguifh,and through theperplexities whichGod in his iudgment layethon him : yet for his life, hee is not able to leauehis filthy Panne : and ifhemight be deliuered ,heewould finn'e as before: tEfauwept beforehisfather with great yelling and crying, butafter bee was (Germ, gonefrom his fathers prefence he hated his brother , who hadgothis blef ing, $2741 and incontempt ofhisfather, chofehim awife againfihis liking. Pharao , as oft as the Lord laid any calamitie onhim, t heeuermore defired tobe deliue- tExod. red from it, yet afterward alwaies he returned to his old byas againe. Foeli:t trembledbeforePaule:for all that, he couldnot kaue his couetoufnef e, but e- uenthen he fo ght for a bribe.Secondlythe reprobate; when herepenteth, he cannot come vnto tvod,and feekevino him: hebath no power;no notfo much as once todelire togiue one little fob forthe remiffon ofhis finnes: ifhewould giue all theworldhecannot fo much asgiue one rap at Godsmercie gate, that hemayopen to him.l^le is very like a manvpona racke,whocrieth and roreth Mar.7.7 out for verypaine, yetcannot defre his tormentor tocafe him ofhis payne. a Genq u Caine wouldhaue beenvoyd of his trembling,but he could not askepardon r.arn.,3 i.. ofhis finne fromhis heart : neither could.Saule,or Judas, or nowcan the devil% Mat,27. 5 MIL .

V Howfar n Repr bare iIII.I. The reprobate mayhumblehimfelie for fome fins w hich he hatli commit-. ted, andmaydeclare thisby failing and teares. WhenEliah reprooued Ahab forhis ldolatrie,and threatnedhirn from theLord,it is Bide, that whenhe had I heard thefewordcs,xhe renthie eloathes;andpantfacfZeloath vponhint, and f s- 27'29 f ed,andTrentfoftryiratokenofmoa ruing:& thishumiliation flayed Godswrath fora time XV. He may confeífehis firmes euenhis particular finsbefore men but this is only then,whenhis foule is tormented for them,and can findno cafe. For then heflickethnotto utter hisfecrete filthinef e to the hearing ofall men , and to the open fhaniingofhimfelfe.4VhenGod fmoteall that was in the fields ofE- gyptwithhayle , thenPharao fent,& called forMofes and Aaron,and faidvn- tothem, Y Ihate norwfinned,t he Lordisrighteomi, bra fandmss)' people are rPic- y Exo.9.%7 ksd:re/ye vetothe Lord(for it is,ynough) thatthere benomore mííhty thaw- Numb. az. dcrs,efrc. So Iudas,whenhe faw that Chrifl wascondemned,and felt anhell in 34 hisconfcience,brake cut,andfaid, Ihavefinned inbetraying the innocent blood. And the experience of thefe dayes giueth fearfUll examples for the proofeof thispoint. XVI. Hebath often a defire tobe like thechildren ofGod inhappineffe, and to be faued : not beeaufehe bathany loue tothe kingdomofGod, but becaufe he is afraide ofhell.As Balaam ouerpreffedwith a feare ofGods iudgmcnt,pray- z Num,z . eel thus: z Oh that anyfoule mi ht die the deathofthe righteota4;andtbat tray lag r0 end 'night be ltke XVII. Thewicked in theirclifireiie may praytoGod, and God mayheare their prayers,and graunt them their rcquefl,a as the Ifraelites wickedly murmuring againíl G'od,defired fleíh itithe wilderneffe: Godheard their crie, and rained N um. g, CZtsailes among thetn.But Godheareththe wicked after onefort, & them that I feare him after another : them that fearehim,he granteth theirrecluefts ofloue and mercy : to theother ofindignation and anger. b As may appeare in the If- b Num I r raelites , whowhen they were in eating of their (Wiles , and the meat was îags.ït35 within their teeth , God in his anger stroke themwith afore plague. And (which is more flrangethen this)Godbath performed that whichhe bathpro- Era j, In ifed to the vnbeleeuers,though they refufed toaske it at his han-des,euen then when they were particularly commanded : C ofthis thingwehaue a worthie example in king Achas,who vtterlierefufed to haue a tigne ofhis deliuerance, and theconfufion ofhisenetnics,whenGodofferedit to him, andyet theLord delivered him. XVIII. The reprobatemay goe furtherin the profeffionofreligion, and mayTeem for atitne tobvplanted in theChurch: for heclothbelecue thepromifesofGod Lade

many geo int'briIIianitie: 27 made in Chrifl lefus,yetfo that he cannot apply them tohimfelfe,in this thing r the elect and the reprobatediffcr.The reprc+bate;ddeneralyiva conftsfedrhaner d Luk, 8.1 beleeueth that ChriflisaSauiour offomemen : and he neither can, nor def- teth to corne to the particular applying ofChrifl. The eleírt beleeueth;, that Chrift isa Sauiourofhimparticularlie. The reprobatesfaithmay perifh in this life,but thefaithof the elect} cannot. The reprobate may be perfwaded of the mercyand goodnefl'eofGod towardshim for the prefent time in thewhich he feeleth it : thedea isnot onely perfwadedofthemerciesheprefently enioyeth, s but alfo he isperfwadedofhis eternall eleaion before the foundaLion of the world , and ofhis euerlafling life, whichyet hedothnot enjoy :Yea c IfGodeIefs'r3..r ". wottldcorforQndhim,andhofaronothingbatprefent death, andhellfire: yet fuch is his nature, that flilhe wouldbeleeue; for faith and hope arenot `rounded' vpon fenfe andfeeling ; but are theeuidence ofthofe thingcswhich wereneuer yet feeneor felt,Thelife of faithfull is hid inChrifl, as the tap in the root of the tree : their life is not in fenfe and feeling but in hoping and belecuirg:. which oftentimes are contrary to mansfente and feeling. XIX. After that hee'oath receiued a generali , and atcmporall faith in Gods hea- uenlie ward,&his aloft merciful promifes ofeuerlailing life contained therm, by thepower ofthe fpirit ofGod, fhecommeth to hatsea raft in his heart ofthe f*eb.6.4 fn-eetnesofGods mercies,and a reioycing in confiderationof the elec`lion,(P- Mat'r8'21.. doption,ius :fication,anclfanc`iifi,3táonofGods children. But what is this taf}e? I expreffe it thus,after the meaningofGods word. Suppofea banquetprepa- red,in whichare many fweet, andplcafant,and dainty meats. At thisbanquet, . fach asare thebidden guefls,theymull be let downe,they feethe meates, they tafle thern,theychawe them in their rnouthes,they digefl them , they are nou- rifhed , fedand ftrengthened bythem : they which arenot bidden to thisfeafl, may fee the meats,handle rhem,andrafleofthem, to feelehow good they are ; but they mull not cate andfeed ofthem. The firít referable theelet;-t, which truly eate,digeft, andare nourifhedby Chrifl vnto cuerlaftinglife,becaufethey haue great aboundanceofthe vitali heateofGods holie fpirite inthem, and do feele fení blichis grace andvertue in them, to ítrengthen them&guide them. The fecond fort trulie referable the reprobates ; which neuer in trueth enioy Chrrf-t,or anieofhis benefits appertaining to faluation: butonly fee them, and haue intheir heartsavanifhing,but no certaineor found feeling ofthem; fo- that they may bechanged,and ftrengthened,andguided thereby. Tovie ano- ther fimilitudc. The reprobates haueno morefeeling ,and cnioyingof Chrift and his benefïtes,then thofe men haue oftheSunne, which fee onelica glim- mering ofhis light at thedawning oftheday; before itrifeth. g Contrariwife, thecleól,theyhaue the day- ftarre,euen the Sun ofrighteouf effe,Iefirs Chrill, g ri l ingit their hearts; thedyf e rirg froman high do doví f :t thews, theglorie o f ri'ukf)2 i Goddothrifevponthem: they haue their eiesnnnointedwiththeoyntmcnto the Sbirit,which is the trite Hefßlrte, and doeplainely behold the Sonne ofrihte, Ffa.,6°. s oufieffe;, 1

:8 ¡hwÇarre aReprobate onftieff ;theyenjoyhis prefence, they effeaually feele his comfortable heat toquicken andreuiuethetn. XX. From this fenfe and tall ofGodsgrace proceed many fruits :as firf} , gene rally,hemaydoeoutwardly all things which true Chri(ians doe, and he may lead fucha life here in this world,that althoughhe cannot attaine tofal_iation, yet hispaines inhell Ibal! beleiTe : which appeareth, in that our Sauiour ChriP h Mali a faith: h it fhallbe eafierfor Tyrus andSydon, for Sodom andGomorrah,then for Capernaum,and othercities vnto which hecainç,inthe dayofiudgment, XXI. Alfo the reprobate may haue a loneofGod : but this loue can be noflame loue,for it is onlybecaufeGod bePoweth benefites ang profperitie vpon him : as appeareth in Saule,i Who louedGodfor his aduancement to the kingdom: i Sa.s o 9, and h ce is a differencebetween the Ele&andReprobate:the Ele& loueGod, as childrentheir fathers: but reprobates,as hirelings their maifters,whom they Y affect not fomuchfor themfelues,as for their wages. XXII. AlfoaReprobate bathoften a reioycing in doing thofe things which apper tame to the leruiceofGod,aspreaching, and prayer. k Herodáteard IohnBap- icMar;s.zo tilt- h ladly:iandthefecondkindofnau ht roundreceiueth the word 1 Mat.I3.10 preac $ g y g preachedwitb io,. XXIII. Exod. 4. AReprobateoften deíreth them, whomhe thinketh to bee the childrenof 27 God,to pray forhim : m As Pharao desired Aaron and Mofes toprayto God z rn Aet.s. 24 for him.nSo didSimon Magusdefire Peter to pray that noneof the thinges which he had fpoken againf}him,fhould come to pafle. But yet they cannot oRom. F. praydli iufelues,°becaufe they want the fpirit ofChrif}. 16.26 XX I I 11. Hemay Phew liking to Gods Miniflers,hemay reuerence them,andfeareto p Ac .s. 13, difp lcafe them, P Thus didSimonMagus, whoat Philips preachingbe/cold, moondredathismiracles, andkeptcompanywith him. q And Herod isfaidto Mar.6.2o few lohn,knowing that he was a iuf}man and holy: allo he gaue reverence to him. Antonius the Emperour,called Pius,though he was no Chriflian , r yet 1 r Eia.lib`4 in a generali parliament held at Ephefus,he madeanact in the behalfeofChri. aians: that -if any man hould.troub'.eoracculeaChriPian,for beinga Chrif}ii an;thepartieàcculedÍbouldgod free thoughhe were found to beaChriftian, and the accufer fhouldbeptnifhed. 'f And Plinius fecundus, gouernourof Spaine vnder Traianus theEmperour,whenhe saw an innumerable companie ( ofChrif ianstobe- executed;being mooned with.`conipaflioti, beewrote in their behalfe,being noChriflian, vntoTraianus tofparethem that could bee charged withno crime :and his letter isyet extant, XXV, He may be zealous in the religion yt;hich beeprofeffetha and-fall from that profef.

navygec hrr/2iattátie. 29 profeffion,as the Galathians did, f whoafterthat they had received "Paule as t GaL4. 6 ngeN,and would haueplarekedout theireses tohaue donehim good: yet they fell from thedotrine which hehad taught them to iuflification by the workes ofthe Law,which flat ouerthroweth iuftificationby faith alone.* Thefame ap- * 2. King, peareth Iehu,who was veriezealous forGods caufe, and for the defacingof re,16, ido1atrie; and thereupon Godbleflèdhim in his children: yet neuerthelef ehe was a wicked man,. andfollowed the vile lìnnes ofieroboam háefather. X 8c 30' 3 I. XXVI. y After that hehath finned,he doth in many thinFes inwhichhe isfaultie,a-. y2.pete% mend and reformhis life , andBoth profeffegreat holineife outwardly.Herod, 20. he didmany thingswhich Iohn Baptiflin preaching mooned him veto:Saule, Hoff,4 when he was'tobechofenKing,profcffed great humilitie. They may repref e z ` their vices and corruptions,and fo moderate .themfelues that they breake not out L as didHaman ; ofwhome it is written :that when he was full ofin:diggna- 8e1t,5,g tionagainfi Mordecai,yethe refrained himfelf.Atidherein the Elegy and the Reprobate differ : for athe eleót are fomevvhat reformed in euery oneof their flirnes . But thereprobatethoughhebe amended in many faults : yet forneone 3%. fault or other , he cannot abide tohaue it reformed; andbythat,in avile ma- nerthe deuill wholly poffefieth him. AsHerode, vslio did many things, yet would not leauehis brothers wife.Andno doubt , in Iudas molt of his fones in appearance were mortified : and yet by .couetoofneffe the deuill poílèffed him, and heldhim fait chained inbondage vriderhim. For ore finne is fufiici- ent to him , that by it hemaybringa manto damnation. Secondlie,in infidels liuinghoreflly, thefpiriteof Godbrideleth :he forceofhnile, and the corrupt nature that it breakenot out , as itloth in many other. But inChriWins that are indeed godly, the faîne fj iritenot onlie repreffeththe corruptionof nature outwardly : but alfomortifieth it within at the roote,&regenerateth thewhole man intoa new creature. Thus then neither the faithful nor infidels doe effea any thing that is laudablebutby the fpirit ofGod: the faithfulby the fpirit ofre- generation: Infidels by thefame fpirit,only fuppreflìng the outward,a&& offin. XXVII. Betide this,he may haue thegift ofworkingmiracles, ofcafling forth deuils, a Mara, ofhealitig , andfuck like : a And thispowerofdoing orange miracles, (hall be marL.g $, vfed as án excufe offorneofthe reprobates in the dayof iudgment. XXVIII. Qftentimes ; vnto him is giuenthegifts oftheholy Ghofl, to difcharge the moll waightiecalfng that canbeinany common wealth. And this is meant, when.GodisPaid,b to 'isle Sank another heart; thatis,fuchvertues aswere b i meet foraking. 9 XXIX. A reprobate may haue the wordofGodmuch inhis mouth, and a1_fo may bea preacherofthe worde,c for to. pr:iph-c ing.inahrif&name, (hall bee vied c. ofae.y. z asanexeufeofreprobates: and weerkt owe that among the twelueApofiles, G c htdaa

30 Howfore4 Reprobate d AA 1.T6. d ludaswas a reprobate.And this maybewel perceived in the refemblanceof Co1oíl 4t7 taflingwhich the authortoSi Hebrewes vfeth.We know, that cooks comonly 2.Tim.4.10 which areoccupied in preparingofbanquets,haueas much feelingand feeing ofthemeat,as anyother:andyet there is nonethat eateth leffe of it than they for their flomackes are cloyedwith the ftnell and tafleofit : So,in Iikemaser it maycometopaflfe,that theMinifler 'nhickdre{fah andprouideth the ipirituall food,mayeate the leaf}ofithimfelfe ; and fo,labouringto faueothers,hemay bea reprobate."And it isthought,that forceofthemwhichbuilt the Arke, were not faced in thearke,but perithed in the flood, XXX. When as a reprobate profefi'eth thus much oftheGofpell, though jn deed cloh.z z a hebea goate , yet he is taken for one ofGods(beep : he is kept in the fmepa- flures , and is folded in the fame foldewith them. a He is counteda Chrilltan yg z5 ofthe children ofGod,& fohe taketh himfclfto be; nodoubtbecaufc through the dulneffeofhis heart,hecannottrie and éxaminehinifelfe. and therfore tru- Iiecannot difcerne of his eflate,whether hebe in Chrifl or not : and it may bee thought,that Sathan isready with famefakeperfwafion todccciue him. For this i3his t ropertie,that upon c-v home God threateneth death , there Sathan is bolde to pronounce lifeand faluarion : ason the contrary, tothofe,to whor-se Godpronouncethloue and mercie,to thole (I fay) bee threateneth diípleafure anddamnation:fuckmalicehathhe againfl Godschildren. XXXI. And hereby itcommeth topaffe , that an * hypocritemay bee in the visible The eleEi Church,and obey it in the word and difcipline,andfo be taken fora truemem- rss.3' h`c o` ber ofChrifl: when as a manindeed regenerate may be excommunicate , and the C.tho- y like Ghurch endhis life beforehebereceived againe : for this is the end ofexcommunicati- and not of on a that theflefh,that is,the part vnreg,enerate, may be defiroyed: and thefpirit thevifible, that is,thepart regrnerate,maybekept aline ixa thedayof theLord. Nowe the and the re- i man nwhomeisfjirit and flefh,b mutt ncedesbethe childe of God,becaufe probate l" maybeof thisárgueth thathehath the fanelifyingfpirit ofChrifl. Againe,Paule when he the vifible biddeth the Corinthians to comfort the ¡inceflious man, c leap through the and nOt of pight ofSathan helbouldbe o, erwhelmed o feier much heauine(fe,t iucthmen the Catho- tovnderíland,thathemight haue endedhis life in great extremitieoffórrowe, like, a 1.Cor:s.5 beforehe had beenvifibl y receit:ed into the Churchagaine. b XXXII. z c ThoughGodwill neuer adopt any reprobate : yetby the adoptionof the r z Cor.=_.y elect they may rcceiue profite.For they find thebleífingofGod to be onThem by reafon that theydwel together,and hauefocietywith the childrenofGod.d .1 Gen . z For Noahs fake eucryone in his family is faued in the floud.Por Lots caufe the Gren: r,a.zr. menofZoarare preferuedfrom the fire. AndGod would baue fparcd"Sodom, Inds t.3 z ifthere hadbeenbut ten goodmen in it.ForRababscaufe,her familie and kin- nnd 39.3 Bred are atlibertiehi Icricho. When I ofeph was in Putiphars hotsfe , all thinges profpered well. e For Samuels cauCe the Ifraelites were deliuered from the. Philiftins

maygee inChrif ianitie. 31 Philitlins: f And for Paulescaufe theywhichwere with him in the`fhipwere fA&.27a4 prcfcrued.And againe , areprobate bymeanes of the faithofeytherof his pa. rentes may bce within Gods couenant, and fo maybe madepartakerofßap- g Gcf.17.7 tifine,onc ofthefeales ofthe couenant. For fo Godmade couenant with io Abraham, g that he wóuldbe notonlyhis God, but alto theGodofhis feede after him : h which Pauleexpoundeth notofa few, but ofall nations. Altobee h Gag 3 i. faith rnanifeflliethat thole children, either ofwhofeparents arebeleeuers,iare holy: which Iolíncffe is not inherent in theirperfons, butonly outward : and it ir.Gor.7:14 is a fpirituall prerogative graunted them ofGod, in that he vouchfafeth themRom. a 1.16 'tobe in his couenant: whereby theyare dillinguifhed from the wicked and prophane men ofthe world. XXXIII, Betides this,reprobates bane force prerogatiues ofGod:kas that he is pati- ent towards there : thatbefore he will deflroy them , he vfethmany meanes to k R0.9.22, winthem, that they commonly fpendall the daves oftheirhues inprofperitie: l'4`5* 3g' infomuch,that it is faidofthem in the Pfalme : 1 that they.goe rnconunstallprof I Pr:r 3. r 2, perity vino theirdeath, & pine net array as thechilli'o fGod do. mBut after a in 2.Pct. z certain time God in his hill iudgment hardneththeir harts,blindcth the eyes Of22 their mindes,he maketh their headsgiddiewith a fpirituall drunkennes, and by Z.Ttm. 2 s. the flrengthof their inward luíls,as+altoby the effeCtuall operation ofSatan, Eta.7.o theyfall to open infidelitie,andcontempt ofGods word, and fo run headlong to their ovine damnation,and perifhfinallie.And in this they are like to hacks, which fo long as they liue are cariedon the bandes ofnobleMen : but when they aredead,they arecall on the dunghil."Iulianthe Apoffatawas firfl aman nTheodor learnedandeloquent,andprofeffed the religion ofChritl;but afterward,he fel i`' 3'H'ß' Ia- cay.zS, and tia rote a bootieagainíl theReligion ofChrifl,anfweredby Cyrill : andon a rob, i3ergo, tirne,in a battell againfl thePerfans,was thrutl into the bowels with a, dart, chron no man thenknew how,whichdart hepulledout withhis ownehand, & pre- fentlybloud followed,whichas it guthed out,he took it in hishand , & flung it into theaire,faying,Viczi galilæt t acifti.Othou Galilean (meaning Chrifl) thouart theconquerour:thou artthe conquerour :§thus he ended ;his dayes in blafphetning, Chrifl whomhe hadprofcffed.The reafon ofthis Apoflafie is eui- dent. ° Seede, that is not deeplie rooted in the earth, at the beginning ofthe o Mat. 13 yeare,fpringethvp ;it isgreene, and bringethfoorth leaues andflowers, and zs (it maybe)force kinde offruitetoo : when the heate ofSummer commeth, it partcheththe earth , and thecorne wantingdeeprooting , and therefore wan- ting ahoy(lure , withereth away.Gods worde is like feed; which that it may bringfoorthfruit vntoeuerla flinglife ,it muff be firPr recciuedofthe ground: fecondly,itmtifl bo rooted :thc receiu ing ofit,is hen the mindevnderílan deth it,and remembreth it:the rooting ofit, is when being beleeued,itpierceth to theheart,and takethholdeofthe affeaions . This rooting is offtwoforts: the ñrfl is,when the word rooteth,but not deepeynough, as when the word is re- ceiuedinto the mind and into theheart, by theioyofthe heart, but not with Cc z the

32 Haw/Ore4Reprobate therefidueofthe affections. The fecond,is adeep & liuelyrootingofthe word, whentheword is receiued into themindandinto the hart by the wil and al the affeóions ofthe hart.The ftrtl kindofrooting oftheword, befalleth toa repro- bate,whovnderJandeth and reioyceth in thepromifes offaluation,yet he doth notput anyconfidence in them : he cannót reif in them, he doth not reioyce thathis name is writtenin the bockeoflife,hedoth not worke out his faluati- on with feareand trembling. In aword,his hart isin part foftened to reioyce at p Aid ç r e thepreachingofthe wordofGod:Pyet his hart isnot opened as Lydias was,nor Pfa.a 19.3z enlarged(as Dauidfaith) to imbraczthe trueth:but the Elee$, he receiueth the word, not only intohis mind,leafl it fhouldbe onlyan irnagination,but alfoit is deeplyrooted in his heart.For, I In fore confidencebeerefieth himfelfeonGods.prcmife. Rom. S. 3 S. Heb.r o.2. 2. 2 He horethand longeth to fee the accompiifhmentofit. t .Thef. t, i o. 3 He heartily loueth God for making Each a promife to him in Chria. a. lohn 4. i o. 4 He reioyceth in it,and therefore loth meditate on it continually. Luke .. y o. 2o. Rom.5.2. 5 He hateth all dotfrines which areagainf it. 6 He is grieuedwhen he dothany thing that may hinder the accompli(h- ment ofit .Matth. 26. 75. 7 He ofeth the meanes tocome to faluation,but with feareand trembling. Phil. 2. 12. $ He burneth with zeale ofthefpirite,&c. And fo the reff of the affe&ions. are exercifedabout the 1 rcrnifesofGod in Chriff,andby this meanes , is the deepe rooting ofthe word in theheart. Thus it commeth topaf e , thattheReprobate falleth away from faith in the day oftryall and temptation, but theeletl cannot bechanged. XXXIIII. Thus it appeareth, how feareareprobate may proceed inreligion : thecon- Tideration of thispoint I dire& veto two forts ofinen. Carnali Gofpellers,and Papifls.Carnali gofpellers are fuck amongvs , asknow theword, but obey it not; or fuch,asbearing a profefíionneither know it,nor obey it. And the heft of thefe come fhortofreprobates in twopoints. L.Infaith,thc ycome fhort ofÿ di- ' uil moff ofthé.Thedeuil beleeareth andtrembleth:but they contrari wifeliuing in their fnnes,beleeueand,hope. How comes thisto pafle ? Thedeuil knoweth theGofpell,andthepointes of it: and withal he beleeueth the terrible threat- flingsofthe law,andtherefore trembleth. Drowfe Proteflantes beleeue the GofpeIl as the deuill doth ; though he the pointes ofit better than theydoe : asfor the lawand thethreatenings therof,they do not beleeue them : and thatmakes them euen when they liue in their finnes to hope and pre- fumeoft-nude. Therefore thedeuillbeleeuesmoreofGods worde then they doe.Secondly theycome íhort ofwicked men in outwarde obedience. The yang,

maygoe ;II Chriflianirie 33 g roannot yet conuerred toChrifl:,when hewas bidden to keep the com- mandementsofthe fecondTable, anfwered , that he had kept themfromhis Marro. za youth: and therefore' our Sauiour Chrifl looked vpon him , and loved him: al- at though this ex.ternall obediencewas notfufficient : for Chriíttellethhim that one thing is wanting unto bin:. And inanotherplace he faith, except.yournigh teoiefnes exceedthert hteoufnesofthe Scribes&Pharifesgoucannot enter in- to thekingdomofheaater. Nowthe careleffeGofpeller is far from performing this;iufomuch that commonlyhe makes an openpracr-lifeoffnneonewayor other. The caufes oftheir carelefnes are, frrí$ a periw-rafion that aman may repent whenhe will : becaufe theScripture faith, Atwhat time foeuer afannerdath repent himofhisfanfrom thebottome ofhisheart,Godmillpsst allhir tvic%ednes eut o fhis remembrance.But indeed late repentance isfeldomtrue repentance; and it maybe idle feared, leafl that repentance, which men when they are dying frameto themfelues , die alto with them. Secondlie,they flatter them- felues,imagining that the befl man that is , bath feuen falles euerie day into groffefnnes : whereas theplace whichtheyabufeout ofthe Prouerbes The iro.z4,ti righteous manfalleth[men times in aday andrifeth againe : israther to be vn- derIloodoffalles into ali&ion,thanoffalles intoa6tua11finnes. Thirdly , they deceiuethemfelues,mol' cfalflythinking ,finalifinnes,orhidden finnes to beno finnes :and groffefi finnesin which they Ihie and lie moll dangerously, tobe but finnesofinfirmitie. xxxV. By thiswhich bathbeen faide,the profeffours of Chriflian religion are add rnonifhedoftwothings.Firt+,gthattheyvfe rnofl painfàll diligence inwor- gPhïl,z.iI king their faluation,iri attainingtofaith, in dying to fame, inliuingto new- 1,Peta.17, neffeoflife: and thattheir hearts be neuer at reti,till fuch time as 'they goe be. Ko, rr,xo. yonde all reprobates in the profeflìonof Chria iefus. Seel thou how farre a reprobate maygoe ?preffeon to the firaight gatewithmaine andmight,with allviolence layhold on the kingdorneofheauen Shall Herod feare and reve- renceJohn Baptifl , and heare him glàdlie ? and wilt thou negleó the Mini- flers,and thepreaching oftheword ? íhall Pharao confèffehis finne, nay fhall Sathan belecue and tremble?AndWiltnot thoubewayle and lament thyfins, and thywicked conuerfation ? Itbehooueth thee tofeare and take heed ,/eat wicked men,and the deuill hirnfelfe rife in judgment and condemn thee. For ifthou (halt comeChore of the duties ofa reprobate, and doenot goebeyond him in the profeffionof the Gofpell,fure it is,thoumull looke for the rewarde ofa reprobate. Thefecond thing is,that the profeffouroftheCofpell, r diligentlie trie and r i.Cor. xi -examinehimfelfe, whetherhe isin the flate ofdamnation, or in the flate ò.f3r. grace: whetherhe yet beare the yokeofSathan,or is theadopted childofGod. Pal, re i r. Thouwilt fay this need not, thouprofeffetl the Gofpell , and art taken fora & `19 34' Chriílian : yetmarke andconfider, thatthis often befalleth reprobatesto bed Cc 3 efíeerned

34 Thee,;late ofaChrifian effeemedChrifflans: and they areoftenfo likethetu,tfiat noneibut Chrifican f 32 °3.% difcernethe fheepefrom the goates,trueChriftiansfrom apparant Chriflians. Wherefore it behoouethall men that Phew themfeluestobe Chriaians, to lay afide all pride,and all felfeloue, and with finglenefieofheart toput themfelues into the ballance ofGodsword,and to makeiuft triall, whether in them, rem pentance,faith,mortification,fan&ification, &c. giue waight anf<<erable to their outwardprofeffion : which iftheydo, let them praifeGod:ifnot,let them with all fpeed vfethe means that theymaybeborn anew to the Lord,and may be inwardly guidedbyhisholy fpirit,to glue obedience tohis will , Ieat in the day ofGods triall, theyant afide from him likeabroken bow,and fall againe to their firft vncleannefle. XXXVI. A eaueat to Tocorneto the fecond fort ofmen and to conclude let the moll zealous themofthe papa+ that is,trie binifclfe and his v holee(,ate with afinale heart as in thepre. religion of fence ofGods naief}ie,ar_d he Ïhall find that byhis whole religion andprofef theÇtturch t ofrtomc.' fion hedoth come shortof areprobate, or at the leaf'. notgoe beyond him in Elation.' thefepoints beforenamed. The Lord open their eiesthat they may feeit. 4- THE ESTATE OF A CHRISTIAN - MAN in this life ,which also fheweth how far theElea may goe beyond theReprobate in Chriftianitie , and that by manie degrees. I Eleftfon. .,.c,'. He a Eleaare they whome God ofthegood pleafure of a6phe.1 , his wil bathdecreed in himfelfe tochoofe to"eternall life, 4.s,6.y. for thepraife oftheglorieofhisgrace. For this caufe the b4Apo.zo. &ea- onely are fayd to hauetheir names written in b the Z i R \ 's bookeoflife. Vocation. WhomGod eleaeth, themhee calleth in the time ap. pointedfor the fame purpof . This callingofthe theElea is nothingels but a e z.the.z, T. c finglingand a feuering ofthem out ofthis vileworld,and the cuflomes tha- t dEph. s.t 9 of,tobe d Citizens ofthe kingdom ofheauen,t9be ofGear r Gotha/4, toe be li- e 1, pet2.5. utia Pones inthe fpiritual Temple,which is the Churchof God,f theèompa- fGal. 4.26 nyofpredeflinate to eternal' life. And thisfeparation tnufYbe madebefore the end ofthis life.For this is the order whichGod taketh ,hee will haue all them g zCor,6,2 tobe in the kingdomofgrace in this life,that (hall be in thekingdomof glo- Luk.19. 42 rie after this life. And the time oftheir calling is termed inScriptures, ; thedaj ofvifitation,theday ofellation,the timeof®race. I I1. hCol. z.7 lsh.1j.19 Thisbfeueringand choofing oftheele6out oftheworld,is then performed, when

in this life. 3 á whenGodbyhisholy fplrit indueth them with truefatting faith : awoortder- frill gift peculiar to the eleel. For the betterknowingofit, there is tobe confi- dered: Firil,what faith is : Secondly, howGodBoth worke it in theheartasof the ele& : Thirdly,what degrees therebeoffaith: Fourthly,whatare the fruites andbenefites offaith, III!. Faith is awoonderfull graceofGod,bywhich theEleado apprehend and What fait; applyChrifi and all hisbenefitesveto thetnfelues particularlie. Here firfl it isto beconfidered,that theverynature offaith flandeth in acer- is. tame power ofapprehending and applying Chrifl. This is declared by Paule when he faith,i reareburiedwith him through baptifine,by whomyee are alto i Col.:. :a rifënagaine withhirnby-thefaithof thepowerofGod,whoraifedhim from the dead. Where it appeareth that faith is made a meanesto communicateChrift himfelfe,his deathandburiall,and fo all otherbenefits to the beleeuer.Againe, to beleeriein ¿hriff,and tok receive or to lay holdon Chrij., are put one for an other by Saint lohn :whichdeclareth that there is a fpeciall applyingofChritt; k loh.r.rt. euen as wefee,when amanbathany thing giuenhitn,he reachethout hishand Rom.st7; and pulleth ittohirnfelfe,and fo makes it hisowne. Moreoue:r , faith is called theputtingon ofChrift: whichcannot bevnleffeChrifis righteoufiies be fpe- I Gal.3.z7 ciallyapplied to the heart,as thegarment to thebacke,when it isput on.Lafl- Ioh.a.3 lie, thismayappeare,in thatfaith iscalledm the eating anddrinking ofChrif>t: for there isnoeatingofmeat that nourifheth, butfirfl itmull be tatted, & tha- wed in themouth, then it mutt beconueyed into the flomacke, and theredi- gcfled:laillie,itmuff be applyed to the panes ofthebodie that are to be non- rifhed. And Paule prayeth for theEphefians : that Chrif. i n may dwell in their ph,3 ty hearts byfaith: whichplainlie importeth,this apprehending and applying of n Chrifl. I adde further, that faith is a woorúerfillgrace ofGod, which may appeare: Firf,in that Paule calleth it o theft-tit-1g ofGods power , beeaufe the power of God is efpecially feene in thebegettingoffaith. Secondlie, experience fhew- ethit tobe awoonderfull gift ofGod : when a roanneither Teeth, nor feeleth his finnes,then to fay hebelecueth inGods mercie , it is an ease matter ; but whenaman fhallfeelehis heart preffeddowne with the waight ofhis (inns, and the anger ofGod for them; then toapplie Gods free mercie to his owne fouleit is amoil hard matter: forthen it isthe propertie ofthe turfed natureof man to blafphemeGod, and todefl:aite ofmercie. Iudas who (no doubt) often preached mercy and redemption by Chrifl in the fecuritieofhis heart : when Gods hand was vponhim, and the Lordmade him fee the vilr_nef eof his treacherie;hecouldnotcomforthimfelfe inChrifl,ifone wouldhauegitteu him ten thoufand worlds, but in an hellifhhorror ofconícieneehanged him- felfedefperately ; which fheweth what a woonderfullharde thing itis at the fame tnflant when aman is touched for hisfauns, then toapply Gods mercie tohimfelfe. Yet atrue Chriflian by the poweroffaithcan doe this, as itinay Cc appeare

36 The ofateop Chit /tztsa 'r, Pí,77.z. appeare inDauid,a In thedayofrny trouble (faith he) I fought the Lord:my fore 3 ranaidceafednot in the night:my f ulre(ufedcomfort:lelidthinkvponGod& was troubled:Iprayedaneir> yprit wasfill ofangrazJh:& he addeth the wordSe- ! p131:11103.1 lah,a note (very likelie)offomewonderfiul thing, PAgaine,he being almoftin thegulfesofhel,euen then cried to the Lordfor help .lob faith, ...Ifgodfhould q Iob,t3.15 deftroyhirn,yet he rvo.iidfor allthat beleeue inhimflsld. Vndoubtedly, ilrange is theband offaith knittingChrii andhis members together, which theanguifh offpirite cannot,and theftrokes ofGodshand do not vnloofe. V. This apprehendingofChrift isnot done byany corporali touchingofhim, but fpirituallybyafftarance, which is, when the eleet are perfwvaded in their hearts by the holyGhofl,ofthe forgiuenef eofthcir owde firm es, and ofGods r i,Cor,z. infinitemercie towards them in lefus Chriti,According to that of rPaul. Nov a a tvc hauerececiued,not the f triteofthe zvorld,btit the f irit nvhich is ofGod, that wemight Owethe thingeswhich aregiuen vJofGod. The thinges which the fpiriteofGodmakethknowneto thefaidullparticularly ,are their ruflificati- on adoption,fanaification,cternall life : and thus when any are perfwaded of theí things concerning themfelucs,they doe in their hearten applie and appropriate Chrift and his benefites to themfelues. VI. NowGod Themanerthat God vfeth in thebegettingoffaith is this. Fir(k, heeprepa- worked' in reth the heart that it maybe capableoffaith. Secondly, he caufeth frith by line the heart, andTitleto fpring& tobreed in the hart. The preparation ofthe hart isbyhum. blingandfoftening ofit : and to the doing ofthis thereare fourethingsrejuifit. knowledge- The firß oftheni is the knowledgeofthe wordofGod,bothofthe laweand of the Gofpell,without the which therecan be no faith; according to that laying fEîa.53.n . ofEfaiah: fBy hid knarvledde'hallmyrighteous fer. antic flíiemany. And that t Iohn.t7 òflohn, t7his iset ernallÍifethat they l `nonv thee to beethe onlie ve,.y God, and u lob.33.23 whorze themhaflfeat term C'ior f . The a only ordinariemeanes to attaine faith Ï,i4 by, is the word preached: whichmtrll-be heard,remembredr, praaifed, and continually hid in the heart.The I eafl: meafureofknow ledge, without which a man cannot hauefaith, is the knowledgeofEiements,or thefundamentall do- brinesofaChriflian religion.Afundamental do, 'trine is that,which beingob- flinately denied,all religion,and all obtainingoffaluation is ouerthrovcn This knowledge hash a generall faithgoing with it,v\lrich is an a entofthe heartto theknowne truethofGods word á hisfaithwhen it isgrownvpto2fomegreat IyColo. 2,2 nseafure, itiscalled 7emesao°la'reîscvassemr,theYfi IlafUranee ofvnderfEanding,and Rom. 14'14 iris tobe feene in the martyrs who maintainedGods tructh againii the perle- cutionsofthe falfe Church,vnto death. VIL. Although botheleei and reprobate maybe enlightened toknowe theword ofGod : yet the e1ea in this thing goe faire beyond all reprobates: for it is fpccially faid ofthem, a that Godistheirfchoole-maf er,thatirefofrencth their Bony