Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

24 OH rr°Q liepfobate from thecreatures,albeit it is not fufficient tomake him doe that which flull ;014.`7 lcafeGod : yet beforeGods iudgement feat, eitcutteth offal! excufe,wlzics he might alleadge,why he shouldnot becondemned. VII. fFt:b.6.4 Bcíide this nturall knowledge , the reprobatemay bee made partakerof Pe .2 t.L.23. the-preachingofthe word, and be illuminatedby the belie Ghoft, and fo may come to- theknowledgeofthe reueaied will ofGod itihisword. VIII. Thuswhen theyhearethe preachingoftheword,God profereth Cal nation to man. Zt 4 them , and called, them :g yet this calling is not fo effe wall in themas it is in I U(. ,3.14 the elect children ofGod. For the reprobate, when he is called , he likethhitn- @tou. 1.24. felfe in his owne blindnefle, and therefore neither will he; and ifhe woetld,yet lol,n 9 4 E. couldhenot anfwere,and be obedientto the callingofGod. The ele61 being .uic. I 4. e. called,with fpeed he anfwereth, and cotnineth to the Lord , and his heartbe- ing ready, giuetha flrongat loud eccho to the voyceofthe Lord.This etch. we hTfa1.z7.s fee in I7auids'nart:liWhen (faithhe)thot faydefi, Seekye rosyface:rnine heart an- fwered vntothee; OLord, Crvallfcek ehyface.And(.od hitnielffpeaketh ÿ fame (ibis childrë, Lach.r 3.9 TheyJhall callon myname, andTwillheare them: Iwill fmay, it is my people (nowmarke theeccho)and they fhRl1fáy, theLord ismy Cod. IX. f-Itbr E©. Afterthat.hehath an vnderflanding ofGods word ,.i hemay acknowledge zG thetrueth ofit,andconfcfl'eit andifneed require,beeadefenderofit :As.ludas t.1.1 6.a7 w,as,and Iulian the Apoftata. X. The reprobate mayhaue afeelingofhisGnnes , and fa:acknowledge them, l t.Sa1n"2 i and thepunifhmentdue vino them : k as Saul did; who fayd, I haaue/trned:come againmyformeDavid ;for Iwilldoe thee no Lrme, bccanfe myfoulewaspreci- ous in t bineeyes thisday: Behold Ihaue donefoolifhy,and haueerred exceeding- 1 Gen 4.131y. ThusdidCaine,1when he Paid, Mypunifhment isgreater then I can beare. in Eurhb.$ En GaleriusMaximinus,a vileperfecutor ofChriflians ,hadhisbowels rotting £1,2. 17. I s withinhim: fo that an infinite number ofwormescontinually crawled foorth ofhis body,and firth apoyfoning flinke came fromhitn, that no man coulde abide him being thus plagued with the handofGod,hebegan toperceive his wickedneffeinperfecutingChriflians , andbe confidedhis fume's to the true God: andaffembling thethiefe rulers abouthim,he commanded thatal with- inhis Dominions fhould ceafeto troubleChriflians , and its all haftehe made ,claw for the peace and iibcrtie,andthe publike meetings ofChriflians. XI. The reprobatepath oftentimesfeare and terrourofconfcienoe : but this is onhe,becaufe he confidereththewrath andvengeance ofGod,whichis tnofl terrible. WhenPathpreachedbeforeFolix, andby themaieflieof Godsfpi- r; c4e'zt rite,did(as it were)thunderfromheauen agiinflhis ulnnes, doubtlefre he made 3.çay. z Nsheart toake,atdet;ery iointof hiisl to tretrb1e nEcc:bolius a l)hilofopher of Conilanlrnop:e,