Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

I16 3"heconpels ofSithan Chrifitit9P, No. SatIMP. What, fhallforne bee faued, and fome condemned? Chrifll ran, So fayth theword ofGod. Sathan. i hou then artperfwaded thatGod is true euen inhis merciful pro. rnifes, and that hee vvill faue fouie men, as Peter and Paule, and Dauid,&c. andthis is theonelybeleef, bywhich thouwilt bee faued. (hitftiatt. Nay, this I belecue, and moretoo, that I particularly am in the number ofthofe menwhich íhallbee faued by themerit of Chrifisdeath and pail-ion : and this isthe beleefe that faueth mee. Sathan. It may bee thou art perfivaded that God is able to face thee : but thatGODwill fate thee, that is, that beehath determined toaduance this thy body, and this thyfoule into hiskiugdome, and that bee is moil willingtoper formeit in hisgood time : herein thouwauerefl anddoubtefl. fE "Io x,12,13, Chriftian. NaySathan, Iinmineovvne heart am fully perfwaded,thatI 5.54. 'fit all bee faued, and that Chri:lis fpecially my redeemer: and (O Lord) for Xark9' 23. Cbriflsfakc,helpe thou my doubtingand vnbeleefe. Sathan. This thy full perfwafion is onely aphantafe, and a firong imagi- nation ofthine owne head: it goethnot with thee as thou thinkefl. Chr=litan. It isno imagination, but truth which I fpeake: For methinks I am ascertaine ofmy faluation as though myname wereregiflred in theScrip r '22 tures( asDauids andPaules are) to beean electl veffcllof God : andthis isthe Fhe,t. r. Roms.r x4, ofthe holy fpiritofleftsChrìfl, affuring me inwardlyofmy adop. tion, andmaking me withboldneffe& cófidence in aria, to prayuntoGod the Father. Sathan. Still thou dreamef}and imagineíl, thou louefl and likefithy felfe, and therefore thou thinkefi thebell of' thy felfe. ChriffIan. Yea,but God ofhis goodnefl'ehathbrought foorthfucktokens 61` 3'9' offaithinme, that I cannot beedeemed. s TheL E.3 L I am diípleafedwith my felfe for mymanifoldefinnes,inwhichfometiine I haue delightedand bathed my felfe,Rom.7.I 5.24.. II. I purpofeneuer to commit them againe, ifGod glue me flrength, asI trtrfl hee will. I I I.I haue avery great defire tobe doing thofethings whichGodcómádeth. I V. Thofethat be the children ofGod : if I doe but heareofthem, I loue them withmyheart, andwifhvetothem asto myfelfe.YJohn .3.14. V. My heart leapeth forglacines, When I heare ofthepreachingoftheword. V I I longto fee the comingofChrifl Iefus, that anendmay be madeof finning, andofdif lea6ngGod.4poc.aa.2o. . V II 1feeleinmyheart thefruitesof thefvitit, boy, loue, peace, gentlenes, rneeknes; patience,tcmperance theworksofthe flefh I abhorre them, forni- cation, adulterie,vncleancnes, antonnes, Idolatrie,flrife,enuie,anger,drun- cnnes bibbing and quaffing, and all fi chlike.Galat.s. r,:.t. Alldick cannot proceed from thee Saban, or from my flefh, but onely from