Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

zz" can 'ic sa to theamendment G `rny ° iike as thegoodPhiftion, ofranckepoyfon is a. tale tomakea feucraigne medicine to preferue life. Sachan. Well, be it, that now thou actin the ßcate of grace,yetthouihalt not continue fo : but (haltbefore death depart fromChrilt. Chrifls::rt. Iknow I am a memberofChri(Is myffical bodie:I felle in my felfe thehcaunypower,& vertueofrny headChriaIefus:& for this caufe I can- notperifh,but (hal cötinuefor euer, & raigne in heauen after thislite with him, THE CONFLICTS OF SATHAN WITH THE weake Chriftian. Sathatr. .. . THy minde is full ofignoranceand blindnes,thy heart is full ofob(linacie, rebellion,andfrowardnesagainfrGOD: thouartwholly vnfit for anygood worke: wherefore thou haft no faith, neither canft thou beeinflified, and ac- ceptedbeforeGod. Chri/lian. IfI haucbut one dropofthe graceofGod, and ifmyfaithbeno natal. z6. more thana little graine ofMuflardfeede, it is fufficientfor mee : God requi. rethnot perfeó faith,but true faith. Soho's. Yea, butthou haft no faith itall. ChrRion. I haue had faith. Sathar. Thou neuer hadít true faith : for in time paff,when accordingto thine opini6 thou didfl beleeue,then thoubadAnothingbutaIhadowe offaith and a foolifhimagination, which all hypocrites haue. chrifian. I will put my truftin GOD for euer, and his formermercies {hewed me heretofore Arengthcn meenow in this myweaknes, x Hecreated mee when I was nothing. a He createdmeaman, whëhemight haue mademean vglyToade. 3 He made me ofcomely bodie, andofgood difcretion, whereashemight hauemademevgly, and deformed, frantick andmad. 4 I was borne in thedalesofknowledge, whenI might blue beetleborne in the timeofignorance and fuperflition. 5 I was borne ofChriflianparents, but GODmight haue gïuenmeeither Turkesor Lewes, orforce other fauagepeople formy parents. 6 I mighthaue perifhed in my mothers wombe,buthehathpreferucdme, and prouided for mee by his prouidence cuenveto thishoure. 7 Soonc after mybirth, Godwight hauecaff mee intohell,but contrari'ife I was baptized, and forecciued the Pealeofhis bleft'edcouenant. 8 I hauehadbyGodsgoodnesIonic forrow formy lnnespaft,andhauecal- led on him, in hope and confidencethathewouldheareme. 9 Godmightbaue concealed hiswordfromme, butI haueheard theplenti. ful ?fa,77.s