Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

vr,,'rvifiGfL7fGr. 121 offaluation. Thinkeon the fodaine comming ofour SauiourChrift tojudge - ment,let it moue theecontinually to watch and pray. Ifthefe will not moue thee, thinke on this, that no creature in heauen or in earth, wasable to pacific thewrathofGOD for thy finnes: but hisowneSonnemuff come downefrom heauen,out ofhisFathers bofome, andmuff beare the curieof the lawe, euen the full wrathofhisFather, for thee. V. Whenby thefe meanes thou art feared, and thy minde isdifquieted in re- fpeel ofGods iudgement for thy finne : haue recourfe to thepromuesofmer- cje contained in the old and newTeflament. Isthy confcience {lungewith finne? And Boththe lavemake thee feele it? With allfpeederunne to thebra- fen ferpent Chritl Iefus, Tooke on himwith the eyeoffaith, and prefently thou toh.? °r4" , {haltbee healedofthy fling or wound. VI. When thou doefl meditateon the promifes of theGofpell : diligently Con- fiderthefe benefits, which thou enioyefl by Chrift. ThroughAdaw, thou_art r condemned tohel : byChritl thou art deliuered from it.Through Adam,thou Z haft tranfgreffed the whole late: in Chrift thouhaft fulfilled it.ThroughAdam, 3 thou art before God avile,and alothfome firmer : through Chritl thou doefl appeare gloriousin his eyes. By Adam euery littlecroffe is thepunifhentof thy finne, anda token ofGods wrath:byChrifl, thegreaten croffes areeafie, 4 profitable, and tokens ofGodsmercie.ByAdam, thoudiddefi leefe all things: in Chritl all things are reftored to theeagaine. By Adam, thou art dead; by Chrift, thouart quickned, andmade aliueagaine. ByAdam thou art aflaueof 7 thediuell,and the childofwrath : butby Chrill, thou art the childe ofGod. In g Adam, thou art worfe thenaToade, andmoredeteflable beforeGod : butby Chritl, thou art abouethe Angels. For thou art ioyned vnto him, andmade boneofhis bone, myflically. Through Adam,fin& Sathanhaue ruled in thee, andled thee captiue :byChritl, the fpirit ofGoddwelleth in theeplenteouflie. ByAdam, came deathto thee, and it is an entrance tohell: byChrïft, though io- death remaine, yet it is onely apaffagevnto life. Laflly, inAdam, thou art i i poore, and blind, andmiferable : inChrill, thouartrich and glorious,thouart aKingofheauen and earth, fellowheire withhim, and {halt as lurebepartaker. ofit, ashe iseuen now. Adam, whenhee muff needes talleofthe fruit;which GODhad forbidden him, hehathmadévsall to rue it, euen till thisday : but here thoufeefl the fruites that grow, not in theearthly Paradife,but onthe tree Apoc,az. oflife,which iswithin theheauély Hierufalë. Feare nodanger,be bold inChrift toeate or the fruite,asGODbath. commanded .thee:, it wilquicken thee,and reuiue thee being dead : thoucanll notdoe Sathan a worfe difpleafure, than to feede on thegodly fruiteofthis tree, and to fii:ell on the fweetleaues, which irbeareth continually, that giuefuch arefrefhingfauour. VIL Moll-mennow adayes, arefecure and.coldin theprofefïion ofthe Gofpel though