Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

iYou ,e. son cietsces. 127 God tending to faluation, ifhedoe truclydefire it, he (hallhaue it:for fo Chrif} The délire bath promifed, lwaging, tohim that is a thirst gibe well ofthewateroflife ofgrace, is ryrareit ícif. freely.Whereby I gather that ifany want thewateroflife, hauing an appetite Neue,z,. after it,he (hall haue-enoughofit : and therefore feare younot ; onelievfe the meanes avhichGod bath appointed toattainefaithby, as earneft praier, reue- rent heat ingofGods word,&rec eiuingof theSacraments: and then you fhall fee this thing verified in your felfe, Chr/ian. All this whichyou fayI find in my felfeby the mercyofGod:tny heart longeth after thatgraceof Godwhich I want. I kiìowI doe hungerafter thekingdorreofheauen and the righteoufitef e thereof: and further though I want the feelingofGods mercie, yetI can pray fork from the very roote ofmy heart. Mini/hr. Be carefull to givehonour toGod for that you bane receiiied al- readie.For thefe thingesare the tnotionsofthefpirit ofGod dwelling inyou. cPhil.r.s C And I armperfwadedofthisfarm thing,that Godwhich hathbegun thirgood tvorLc inysu millperfect thefameveto the dayoffeffs Chrj1. .Chriftian. The third thing that troubles mce, is this : Ihaue longprayed for many graces ofGod, & yet I hauenot teceiued them,whereby it comes oft to mymind,that Godloues menot,that I am noneofhischild, and therfore that Ihaueno faith. Minifler. You are in noother cafe thenDauidhimfelf, who made thefame Pfa1.69.q. complaint : Iamweary ofcryinr,mythroat is dry"nineeyesfeile, whiles twayte formy God. Chriftian. But Dauidneuer prayed fo manieyeares without receiuing an anfwereas I haue done. c.,%IWinifler. GoodZachariewaited longeron theLord, beforeheegraunted Luk.1.7.á3 his reque(t,than eueryou did:it islikehe prayed for a child in hisyonger years, yethis praier wasnot heardbefore hewas old. Andfurther,youmutt note that the Lord mayhearse the praiersofhis feruants,andyettheybe altogether igno- rant ofit : For themanner that God vfeth in granting their reque(ts is not al waies knowne ; as mayappeare in the exampleofour Saulour Chri(t, Who EIeb.5.7, in thedayesofhicfielh,did e'er vppayers andfrapplications with flrong cry- ing and teares,vnto him thatwas able tofame him fromdeath,andwas alfoheard in-that which hefeared. And yet we know that he was notfreed fromthat cur- led death, but muti needs Puffer it. Howthen washe heard ? Onthis rnaner:he wasftrengthened to beare the- death, bee had an . Angelico comforthim,hee was afterward freed from the forrowes ofdeath : And fo it is with the ref} of Chrifts body,as it was withithe head. Somebeing in want pray for tempo- rail ble(hngs:Godkeepes them in this want, and yet hee heares their pray- ers, in giuing them 'patience to abide that want. Some being inwealth and aboundance pray for the continuing ofit, ifit bee the will ofGod. The Lordflings them into aperpetual! mifery, and yethe hearestheir praiers, by giuing thembleffednesin the life to come. Youprayfor the increafe of faith Ii z and