Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

Df(irstttall Defections, 139 fet: therefore mytvordesareframedvp;for the rron'ej ofthe4/mighty ireis me:the venme th.reofdoth drixfzevp rryymirit,andthe terrours ofGod fighta- gainßmee. Andfurther hecomplaines that the Lord is m his enemie,thar hee writes bitter thingsagainß him, and that he n fitshimas But tofboot at. This $Iob, 13' was Dauids temptationwhenhe faid , ooLor-drebt4 menot in thine anger, 6.12. neitherchaffifemein thywrath , hauemovie vpov, meeOLord,for Iamxve4e: o ctal.6,1. O LordBeale me,formy bonesare véxed,myföule isaltofore troubled: but Lord 2.3.4.' hoir longwilt thoudelay? Resume O Lord,deliuermyfonle,f ssemefor thy mer ciesfa&e. Hence it followes,that when anythat hathbeene a ProfeffouroftheGol,çl (hall defpaire at his end ; that then are to leaue fecret iudgcnents toGod and charitablic to iudge the belt ofthem.Forexample, one Matter o Chambersat oSce the Leicefleroftate,in his fickneffegrieuouflydefpaired,andcryed outthat he was book writ. damned,and afterdied : yet it is not for anie to note him with the Mackemark r,l r his areprobate. One thingwhich hetpake inhis extre:nitie(O that Ihad but one e.ath. dropoffaith)muff morue all mento conceiue \veilofhim. For by this ir fee methhe had anheart which deíìredto repent and beleeue ; and thereforearc- pentant,&belecuing heart indeed.For God atalltimes,but efpeciallie in temp- tation,ofhisgre-at mercy accepts thewill for thedeed. Neither is it tobee regar- ded thathe laid he was damned ; for men in fuch cafes fpeake not as they are, but asthey feele themfelues tobe. Yea,togoe further,when a profefforoftheGofaell(hall make away him felfe,though it be a fearful cafe,yet ftil the fameopinion mullbee carried. Firíl, Gods judgments are verte ferret .Secondlie,theymay repent in the verieagony foranie thing we know. Thirdly,none is able to comprehend the bottomleffe depth ofthegraces and mercies whichare inChriíl. Thus muchofthe manner whichGod vfeth in forfaking his Elea : Nowe follow thekindsofdefertion, which aretwo:defertion inpunithment defer- tion inPinne. Defertion inpunithment is when "God deferreth either to mittigate or to remooue the croffeand chaflifement which beehathlaidevponhis children. This befell Chrif} onthe Croffe, i' e.24y God (faith he) stay Godzvhyhaft thou pMatha'. forfakenme?This was thecomplaint ofGedeon,Didnot theLord bringvs out 46. ofEgypt?But now the Lordhat hforfakenvs ,anddeliueredvsintothe handsof. theAlidianites.ludg.6. t 3. gMaflerRobert GloserMartyr at Couentrie,af- q Fox. Atk terhe was condemned by the Bilimp, and was now at thepoint tò bee deli- Mon'` ss s. tiered out of the world, it íó happened, that two or three dayes before his Srpternl. death,his heart being lumpifh and defolateofall fziritúall confolation, felt in himfelfèno aptneffenorwillingneffe,but rather a heauine% and dulneffe of fairit,full ofmuch difcomfort to beare thebitterCroflèofmartyrdomeready now tobe layd vponhim:whereupon hefearing inhimfelfe,leafl theLordhad withdrawnehis LNontedfauour fromhim,made his mone to oneflas{line his friend, Ggnifiying yntohim how carneí.}ly he had prayed dayandnightvnto the a' 1.