Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

1 C ale ecovelenci. 're `¢ aas] i haue written vetoyouFathers,becaufeyehaue knowne him that is from the beginning : I haue written vnto you youngmen, becaufcyeare firong,and theword ofGod abideth inyou andye haueouercome that wicked one. Ch. lfwebein theeflateofsrrace wider Godsfai.ourinChré/l; con, maywe abide in it? loh. Loue notthisworld[thecorrupt Elateofman1Znd out ofChrifl, ] nei_ ther the things that are in theworld[for f rfl ofel; togiue reafcns,i ifanymar lcue this woride , the loosofthe father[wherewithbee loftedtheFather ] isnot inhim. [Secondly] for all that is in this world,as the lufi oftheflefh [the corrupti- onofnature;zrhich chiefy 6reaketh out inossiticoncfspifcence]thelufis oftheeise [thefruit of theformer,s`lirred vp byoutwardprouocat:ons,efpecialiy jn the eie, asit ismanifefl in adulterieandcoueteaifnes] and the pride oflife[i. Arrogancy andambitionamong men in common cons rrfation ofiffe,J is not ofthe Fathers but oftheworld. And [thirdly] this worldpaflèth away and the tuft thereof: but he that ful. Ueda the will ofGod,abidethfor euer. Ch. what otherthings arewe todo,thatwe maycontinsse? loh. Little children, it is the laf time; and as yee haue heard thatAntichrit flgallcome,[]fjeciall4ntichrifl,thechiefeofah'other;who isnowemanifeflto bethe PopeofRome]euennow are there many Antichrifis [hereticf¿es,denying ryther the natures ofChrifl,or his offices : or thevision andthe diflinition ofhic natures:]wherby we know thatit is the tall time. Ch.7hoff wbomeyoacall Antichrifles,wereofourcompany ,andprofefdae weedoe. lob. Theywent out from vs , but theywere not ofvs : for ifthey hadbeen ofvs,theyfhould hauecontinued withvs.But this cömeth topafe, that it might appeare that they arenot all ofvs. Ch. Howcan webeof aredofotsrcontinuance ingrate;forwe mayfallaswell as they doe? ì7crfe zo. loh. But yee haue annointment, [thegraceofGods holytfirit ,refembled Gds fpirit by theannointingsin theoldTeflament] from thatholyone[Chrift,L,tk .1.15.] d4velünri in the heart, a and know all things. figi eof Ch. lfweknowdlthings,tlaenyos neednot writevntovsofthefematters. perfeuer ice. lob. I haue not w.ittcn veto you, becaufeye know not the trueth : but be- , Verft a r Vcrcaufe youknow it,and that nohe is ofthe trueth ri ye can dißingu jh between fe zz iyapi`is dc- thefounddo:7r:ne oftieÿofßell,anderrors. nie Iefiis to Ch. whatisthis lie trhtchyot:#cakeof? be Chri(I: loh, Who is aIicr,[a deceiuer,afiducer, ;but bee that denyeth that lefus is for though Chrifi,rtheAlegis or Sauicurofrnan1Vnd? j The fame is that Antichrifi,that in words denicth the Father and the Sonne. they mag- nine him : Ch. 7byewhomyou mea+:e(fìy they;el fe dt heda ?ritteofge.daswellaswe; yet in their ardtheyvj tocallhimFather.