Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

ACafe of cenfcsence. 153 Ch. Powcangodmanifeff his louete vs,hebeingajirit andinuifi.ble? lob. Nomanhath fees Godat anie time: pincer/he/Tel; ifsv e loueone a- verfe xa, ther, c117,Ù is afire] thatCud dweller') invs,& bisloue is perfect invs :[i.that loue ivherew t h he/eve: h , is thr cut lÿ made maiifefl towardes vsby ourloue: eu the ht oftbe.m,;one finning on vs ,argueth the lrght ofthe Sunnefhining vpan the moon, ofvhom (asfrom thefountaine)the moons takesherlight.] Ch. Howmimeknow that Goddwellethtovs? lob. Heerby doe we know,_that v edwell inhitn,and hein vs: becaufe hee verte x . bath giuenvs ofhis fpirit. Ch. What otherfigne hardeyou ofGodsdwelling in vs? loh. Wehaue (eerie and doe tea ifre,that theFather Pent that Sonne to bee verfe 14. the fauiourofthe world. Whofocuer confeffeth [infaithandloue] that Iefus is the fonneofGod ; in verre 15+ himdvvelleth God, andhe in God. A fincere Ch. Thediuell triicanfeffeChrilt. of the GO, lob. Andwe [ whichis more] haueknowneand beleeued the loue whichpel, anote Gcdbath invs. ofcomrnuy Ch. Declare how our lottefsouldbe afagne ofGods dwelling in vs? Ilion with loh. God is loue,and[therfore]h. that dwelleth in loue,dwelleth inGod Chrít. and Godinhim. verfe acá. Ch. God's lotte wegrant,but howmaywe k tow,that Godis toue toys? lob. Heereby is that loue perte&, [ i. full) made manifei7 invs; ] that we verre 17 may haue boldreffe [to f and before himwithout feare,] in the day ofiudge- To be like ment : foreuen as he is, euenfo are wee in the woride [not in egualitie, but in Godin conformitieofholineff.] líref%of 1 fie is a tign [ As may appeare by the contrarie ] there is no feare in loue [ i. when ofhis loue Rman is miredofGods loueto him,he doth not a: fire. nor fermiyfeare him in to vs parti. refpeft ofhisfinites] but perfectloue catlethouttèare:for fearebath painfulnes vefè [checkings andtormentsofconfcience;] and hee that feareth is not perfe&in loue. Ch. what otherfigne isthere that Gad is loue to vs? lab. Wee loue himbecaufe he loued vs Tira [au when a man warmes him, fe ver 19° the heat ofhis bodieisbecaufe thefire isfr1 hate.] Our loue of God, a lip Ch. lfthisbefe, then they which lame not theirbrethren, are lovedofGodin that hee lo- Chrift:feting all generallyfay they lotie God. ucthvs para ¡oh. Ïf'any rnatl fay, l loueGod,andhare his brother, he is a lyar : for howe ticularlie. can he that louethnot his brother whom he bath feene,loueGod vshome hee verfe 2®. bath nor fecnc. And this cotnmandcrz,cnthaue ,e of him, that he thatlouethGod,fhould Ioue'hisbrotheralto. verfe 11; CHAR,