Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

fi I S4 .4Cafe at con etella. CHAP. V. Nrerfe i VHofoeuer beleeueth that Iefus is that Chat [trite Meftat] isborne of God : andeuerieone that louethhim which did beget [i. GodtheFa ther,:llouethhim alto which is begotten of him , [the chille of Goda trite ChriFtian.] Ch. This being manifeft that they arehypocriteswhichfay they loue God jet Amino lone to their brethren; teach vshornwe may know that wee lose ourbre- thren? werfe z lob. In this weknow that we loue the childrenofGod , when wee loue Anende. *God and keepehis commandements,;that is,endeuoar to keepe; the beginning uor toobey oftheaEion being putfor the whole.] the cont. For this isthe loueofGod [thedutieofloue to Godjthat we keepe his cotn- niande- ments,a mandements. f gnotloue Ch. But no mancan keep the Law? ofour loh. His commandements arenotburdenous[tothem that are in Chrift; brother. andarefreedfrorn the surfe ofthe law,which makes the Lawgrieuons,and are verte ; alfoguidedbyhis hoy(uirit, j verte 4 [And this as appaarant] for al that is bornofGodouetcomnaeth the world, [Sathanwith all corruptions andworkes ofdarkenes.] Ch. Tywhat meaner? lob. And this is the vi&prie which bath overcome the worlde euenour Faith[.vhich is thernl?rument andhandwherebywelayholáon him , that he in vs,andfo trebyhire might overcome the world.] verre S. Who isthis that ouercdmmeth this worlde , but. he which beleeueth that Iefus is thatSopneofGod? Ch . Howmaywe he refoluedthat le/Usofl\Taz,areth the f nofMary,witsthe fonofGcd,andtbe Mefft'as:he came butbafey into the world? vfrfe 6. loh. This is that iefis Chrift, which camebywater ,[ fiamEItfication9s120- P woks edby the lenalltrap is.vs,]andbloodLimputationofChr esrighteoafncs,orthe uittr,Lte fprsnklrno efhis blood: not bywater only,but by water and blood :[becaufe tnat ÆNtzas (-hrij'l 'or, thiothicsig: f% c3tfonandfanasficatiotrtogither:Ianditisthatfpirit reth the [amansowe confcience inwardlypurified Jthat bearethvitnef e for that .fpi- fonof Ma- rit is truth: [that is,that the tefatmotyofthe Spirit ofadopt'on serti.fyngvsthat ry was the weare theSonner ofGod,is trite.] fan of sad For,; th it Imay .17 eakeyet i oreplainly] there are threewhich bearerecorde letve>. the in heauen,th° Father,the Word,[ th: Sotsjand the holieGhoíì:and there three Verte 7, rnameyinteflinsoty.] vale S.' And thereare three which beare record inearth, the Spirit, and the water, and blood ; and chele three agree inone. Ch, Howlbeyyou that theftwitncfisbeautentical,d-robe bcleettedi