Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

A G ^ q cd n fc isn e e . I j j lob. Ifwc recciu^thewitnes ofmen,thewitncso fGod is greater: for this verfe9 is thewicnes ofGod,fi.r wasfind tocomefromheauemj]whichheeteftiffed ofhisSon. . ' : . f.^z/w,~hethatbdleeueth in that SonofGod,natHthewitnes inhimfelfo, Verfc I0* [thepeace cfconfciencewhich hemayfeele inhimfelfef] [Andfurtherf)hethat belecuethnotGod,makethhima liar;becaufehebeleeucdnot therecord,that God witneffedofhis fon. H j '> , i. v:l Ch.What istheejfeSl o fthatwhich thefewitnejfesteflife? I eh. And this isthat record,towit,that God hathgiucnynto vscternaliife, vc[fc 11 and this lifeis infos Son. ;C • - . - : He whichhaththe Son,hathlife:andhe which hathnot the fonneofGod, r , . , . r * 1 %>VOK 1 2 . hatfonothre. £A»d toconclude, 2 thefe tbingeshaue I written vnto you that belceiiein verfe ij. thenameofthe fonofGod,thatye mayknowthatyehauelifeeternal,andthat yemaybeleeue [i.increafe infatth]inthename ofthatfon ofGod. Ch. Howe can treehaue life eternalmwe, thatarefomiferable,andfofull of wantes? /<?£.And this is that aflurancethatwehaueinhim,that ifwe ask anything vafe 14. accordingto hiswill,he hearethvs. ~ .Ch. Howmaywe know that Godgramteth our prayers, madeaccording to hiswill? Joh. ifwce knowthathe heareth- [that is (asit were) togive aneare toour verfe 15; whatfoeucr vveaske,weknow that wehaue the petitions whichwee Afigne of haue defiredofhim (though the things whtch weaskedfenotgiuen vs in that vteafurc,and manerrandtime,inwhichweaskedthem.) fl God doc * Ch. Let vs heare an example o fthofe tbinges whichGodwillgrauntyohen but heme wepray? • them. /oh. Ifamanfechis brother finnea finne,thatisnot yntodeath•,[that is, ycrIeiS • which maybepardonedJ lethimaske[pardoninhisbehalfe, J andhe {hall giue himlifeforthemthatfinnenot vnto deathjthejcis a finvntodeath[afterwhtch , neceffartlydamnationfoRoweth}asthefinagainfttheholy Ghojf .‘J I fay not that thou fhouldeftpray for it. Ch. But isnoteuery finafin todeath? Ieh.AWvnv\gfteou(aesis fm[andthcrforede(eruethdeath:"] hutthereis a vcr^e l7 finne not vntodeath;[namely,that whichispardoned in Chriflj] Ch. Wefeare leaf}we hauecommittedthisjin whichistodeath. Ioh. We knowrthat w'hofoeuer isborne ofGodlfinnethhot:buthcethatrs rerfe 18 begottenofGod, kgepeth hirofolfe, and thatwicked one[Sathun] toucheth himnot[i.dothhimhoviolence,orhe cannotgiue himadeadlywound. VVeknowchat we areofGod, andthiswhole workllieth ineuill: [that is,in verfe 19. feruitude vnderSatban(jrfin.] Ch. HowjhewyoMthat weareofGod?. Ioh. We