Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

t57 A BRIEFE DISCOVRSE, TAKEN OVT OF THE WRI tings ofHer. Zatichius. Whereinthe aforefaidcafe ofConfci. enteis difutedandrepined, Affertion. r. Onely the elell,andalloft hem : not oney truely maybee, but 00are in that time*hick godhathappoyntedthem inthis life,indeedaguredoft heir Eletfson toeternal'life inChri.7.: andthis it done not ene wage, but mange Wives. Ee fay that the Eletl alonemaybee, andindeedare made 7 foreoftheir eledion : that fowee m aieexclude the repro. eas batehypocrites: forcontïdering they arenot elected,they can neuerbe truelyperfwaded that theyare eluted. I fay 101' , -- . truely : becaufe it maycome to paffe that maniein their li\v``- ,,' r owne thinking fhallbee predeftinate : yet in trueththey ' . arenot perfwaded fo : for they are deceiued.Wehauean example in temporarie Chritlians, who thinkeof themfelues that they beleeue in Chrifl, but truely doe notbeleeue : fortheir Faith is inhypocrilie : and fora time onel . Whereforea true and certaihe perfwafionofEle&ioncan neuer `' °"`T°` Y P Rac,as, a. befall anyof thereprobates : becaufe thetrue perfwafionofHeauenlymatters, commethoftheholie ChM; which neuer perfwadeth anyEàlfematter. Wher- fore, how canreprobatesbee perfwaded that theyareeleó ed ? This confide- red, it is notamiffe, that wee attribute this perfwafion (ofwhich wee now fpeake) to theele& alone. We adde further, that all the deli, not only maie bee, but areindeede madefure oftheir Election: which mull bee demonfra- tiuelieconfirmed again'}Schoole men, and otherour aduerfaries. Wee laie, this is donein thetimeappoynted; becaufe theElea, before they bee called to Chrifi, are neuerlureoftheir Elution : nay, they neuer thinke ofit; asappea. reth inTattle beforehee was called, and inothers. Againc,inlike mannerafL ter they hauebeene called; yet not prefentlie are made lureoftheir elution: but fome fowler, famelater. Laf lywee adde,:h>at this is done r>anie:ì+aies, what they are, (ifnot perfealy, yet in part I will afterward flew.) Now let vs come to thematter. TheSchoolemen demaunde whether a manmaiebee made lureofhis Ele. r.Cor, 2 t 6. &ion? And theydetermine that a man cannot, except itbeebydiuine reuela- ß'.1Z.4. tion: becaufe PredeftinationisinGOD, andnotinvs. Andnomanknoweth h t;,o veceC. the things ofGOD, butthe fpirir of God : as no manknoweth the things of,,, of man,but thefpirit ofmanwhich is in him. Again; who knoweth theminde the hDhe oftheLord? therefore (fay they) fome fpeciall revelation isneedful' : ifany de- U,ro fi áre fire to bee certified, either ofhis owne or ofany other mans predeihination,itnfi,d,:eirfu:,,:, theirfa iugsarenot(iim 1 tobeedifiked :but in that meaning inwhich the b Py L 1 under .