Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

I58 vnderfl;ard them, theyare nowaie tobee approued. Forthey take a fpeciall revelation to bee this ifGod (hall lignifie and fait expreflytoany :eitherby fome Angell outwardly orbyhis fpirit inwardly, that he ispredealnate to life: after which fortetheyhold that Paidanda fewe other Saints had their predefli. nation reuealed'to th . So they conclude that,becaufe eueremanbathnothis EIe<fion_teuealedto him after this manner,that all men cannot bee afftred oftheir. Eletition -` But they are deceiued; for GOD, not onelyby this one manner which they fpeake of, doth reueale his will andhis counfels;but by many : for God reuealeth things, either by the inward infpiration ofhis fpirit, or outwardly by his word : or both inwardly and outwardly by inward and outwardefeels.Py hisfpirit be did inftzirehis Prophets,and many things á ali,E6, z 3. to come. AndCbrifc faid tohis Apoffles, as concerning the holieGhofi: He Thai! leade you into all truth. By his wordbee fpakevnto the prophets, and in likemanner, byhis wordhe teachethvs hiswill. Al fo bydiuers effe&s, hede- clareth either his mercie or his iut;ice : as it is knowne. The fame tnuft bee thought ofthereucaling ofhis elec`uion : towit, thatGOD reuealeth the fame to theElul, by theholyGhoft,by the word, andby them.oft certaineeffé6ts 01 Predcflínation. Thefelt teíl:imonie, by which God ai`«urethvs ofour eleélion, is the in- ward tell ¡atonicofthe fpirit, ofwhich the Apoflle faith : The jj'iris (of God)te. {tzÍicty -unto oar f /rrrrs,rhat avec are the chxldrenof Cod. Nowwhat is it tobe the fonofGod, but firfl ofall tobe predeainated to be the childofGodbya- doption : and theta tobe madeaClually the fonofGod by faith:& laxlyby the faine spirit allo tobe regenerate as Gods childrenare, and to put on the nature ofthe fónneoftgod, orrather the TonofGodhimfelfe, astheApofile fpeaketh. There -'ore theholyGhofl, whilefl he inwardlybeareth recordunto ourfpirits, that is,toour mindsbeing inlightened byhis light, that we are the fonnes of God,moll plainlyreuealeththat wee were predcflinate fromall eternitie toa- doption : formenare not made theTonnesofGod by faith, norregenerateto bethe fonsofGod,norput on Chrifhexcepttheybe fir(}ofalI predellinated to adopti6.Andthere can 6enothing more certaine then this teflimonie:fdr who betterknoweth the things of God, his counfels and decrees,then thefpirit of God, which fearcheth al things, yea the deepe thingsof GOD : therefore bee î can inofl:trulyreucalevotoeuerieone ofvs, the certaintieofoureled}ion. And . he canert deceiuevs in revealingit : forhe is the fpiritoftruth,whichcannei- Iola.rt6. i 3. ther deceiue nor bee deceiued. If an Angell fromHeauen fhould be fentto thee, as bee wasfent toMarie, and as hee fpakevnto the Fathers, and fhould tell thee in the nameofGod,that thou wert eleEled to lifeeuerlafling:wouldft not thou fay that thoucouldil notthen doubt any longer ofthyeleelion? But fomuch the More certaine is the teftimonieofthe fpirit, which beareth record toour fpirit, that wee are theEons of God : byhowmuch theholie Gbofl loth more knowethe things ofGod then anie Angell: and can leffe deceiue then =Angell.And fomuch the more fureis thisteflimonie, confideringitisno; kept AC.e 0 Çt1f%i1c'C.