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170 Ca eo cost nee.. there (asalto elf(' where) that whatfoeuer benefitswedoe, or £hallhereafcr ob. taine, counting from our eternal' eleí`tion, euen vnto our glorification : all thole wee now "doe, and shall obtaine hereafter, in Chrift, and by Chrifi. Therforc,whofoeucr are elected toeternal life,befides this thatthey are elected in Chrifi, they are alfo predeflinate toChrifi, thatis, to haue fellowfhipwith hirrr, thatthey maye by him enioy all other benefits. Thefecond benefit(' of t.Tim. r 9. Godandeffe t ()four predetttnation, it our effeSuall calling toChilli, and to hit Rom.s. 30. Gofÿel,in which theelect are only called:Becaufe it is by thepurpofe and grace of God, which is giuenvs in Chrift, And an effeótuall callirgisknowneby the effects, twoof which proceeddirealy fromit : abearrie kind(' ofhearing the worde, and the conceiuing of it with a verye great, confiant, andcon- tinual"delight, and a true and titrebeleefeofthe wordeofthe Gofpell. Thence Ioh.E.4. it isthat Chrifl faith, who is ofCod (faith he) namely,by elec}ionand effeau all calling, heareth theworde of God, verse willingly, and from his heart, and that continually : butyee heare not, becaufeye are not ofGod. And this calling iswrought not onlyofthepreaching ofthe word (as it is in all thatbe ofyeares)but alto. (and thatchiefly) vtiiththe inwardeiufpiration ofthe ho- lie Ghofi,whiles that the Father dra weth them byhisfpirit,whombe willhaue tocometoChrifi : Whichaltowas Paid to bedone in infants. For thiscalling is the beginning of faluation euen in this life : and therefore it is theApofiles manner, inthe beginning ofhis EpiUles,tomakementionofthis calling,na- Rom. r.7. ruingall the faithful', TheMint' called : Therefore it mutt needs bee, thatall z. they whichare elected inChrift, mullalto at length effewally be called and $ Tit, te drawnetoChri£t. After an effiSmallcallingfeliowethFaith,theeffesofpre- . tI b,rc.6, dcf tnation, which es /,il to bee peculiar vnto the elect :And without which (as the Apofllefaith) it is not pof'ibletoplcafeGod. For by it Wee3are ingafted into carf$, andare made the member; of Clire, andwithout faith noman can befawed. And that this isan effedt of Predefiinatlon the Apoftle plainely fheweth, s.Cor.7.z5', when he faith, that bee had obtained mercie, (namely inGods eternal' pre. deflination) that beemight beleeue.Wherefore,whofoeuer are predeflinate toobtaine eternal' life in Chrifi andbyChrifi, theyarealfo elect to haue the veriegtft offaith. Therefore it rnuft needs bee, that at lengththey fhallbe- leeue in Chrift. The fokrth benefit, is laftiiication, that ìs,afreepardoning ofourCannes, and the imputation of the righteeujne¡fe Chrif, for itfollowetb Faith: becaufet bofi+euer are induedwit h true faith inChrift, are all; it+I#tfi Rom s. so ed.And that iuflification is an effectof predelination : the Apoftle fheweth gi7e(' a 4 %when hee putteth it after calling,before whichhe fetteth predeftin arìon. And when bee faith, that weare ele l in Chrifl, that wee might beeholy and with- out Prot orblame in the pretenceofGod : and that this is notdone while wee arcin this world(', butby the pardoningof all our faultes, and by the im- putationofhis perfeì obedience. Wherefore, it mull needes bee , that all the .elect (hall bee iuflified, and bec taken for molepure and without blame its