Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

tx/ .J.ry4ftatoll `veyfl ire t,orthsrr4ter. 4 ai rant people : they talkemuchofpraying for themfelues and others,theyisna- givethattheyprayverydeuoutly toGod : but alas they doe nothing Ief e,bea caufe they knownot what toaske according to Godswill. They therfore mull learne Gods wotd,andprayaccording to the fame, els it will proue in theend that all their prayingwas nothing but as mocking, and fiat difbonouring of God. The fourthquestion is,with what affection a manmuff pray.AnfiwenPraier murk proceede from a broken andcontrite heart. This is the facrifice RhicIt Godaccepteth.Pfalm. 5 i.verf i y.When Ahab abated himfelfc, thoughhedid it in hypocrij e, yet Godhad fotne refpeh vnto it.t.King.2 t .verf z p.Saith the Lord to Eliah,feef thou howAhab is humbled before me ? This contritionof heart Hands in two things. The firfl of them isa liuely feeling ofour ownc fnnc3mifcrie, and wretchedelUate,how that weare compafredabout 4w'ir1 in- numerableenemies,euen with thed it] ell and all his angels,arid within.abound eatenwithhuge,feas ofwants and rebellious corruptions, whereby wire matt grieuouflydi thteafeGod, and arc vile in our ownceyes. Being thcreforethus befetoneuer.-ytide,we aretobee touched with the fen fe of this ourgreat mile tie. Andhe that will pray aright, mutt put on theperfonand thevert, affection .ofa poore wretched begger, and certainly not being grieued with the .rtifazll condition inwhich weare inour felucs,it is not pofsiblefor vs toprayeffeCu- a11y,Pfal. t .; overf.t. Ont ofthedeeper Icalledvpon theeOLord : that is, wvhen I was in my greatell miferie, and as it were not farre from thegulfes ofbell., then T cried toGod, Efay.i6.i 6. Lord in trouble halm they vrfited thee, they poured outaprayer when thy cbaflenirgwas vpon them. t.Sam. t.15. Iash a wa/;' lq (faith Anna) ofanhard : that is,a troubled foule,andhauepawed myfoulebefore the Lord. Hence it appeareth,thatthe ordinarie prayers ofmoPc men grieuoufly difpleafe God, feting theyaremade for faí`hiononely, with- out any fenfe and feelingoftheir mueries , commonly men come with the Phariíie in oflentationoftheir integritie, and they takegreat paineswith their lips,brit their hearts wander from the Lord, The fecond thing required in a contriteheart,is a longing define andhungring afterGods gracesand benefits whereofwee{land inneede. 'ít is not fufticient for a man to buckle asit were and togoc crookedvndcrhis fumes andmiferics : but alío hemull haue ade- fire tobe eafedofthem,and tobe enriched with gracesneedful]. Thus Ifez ek¿ias theKin, andthe Prophet Ifaiab the fennyof Amos prayed ageti»ff Senacharib,and cried unto hearten.c.C: hro.3 2.1o. Where wee mayfee w. hat amarueilous delirethey ìiad toobtaine theirrequefi. SoaltoRom 8.1 6. r heffirit makethreps)/ with grovesfogreat that they cannot beevttered,as they are fr it.Dauid,Pfal. r 43.6. taith,that bedefreth afterthe Lord,as thethir- fie land. Nowweeknow that thegroundparched withbeate, opens it felfe in rifts and cranies, and gapes towards heauen asthough it would deuoure the clowdes forwant ofmoyflure, and thus muffthe heart beedifpofcd toGods grace,till itobtaine it. The people of Rini being i6lion, how doe