Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

Zgg ,finexpofttianwpon the Lerdspraier.. Hallowed be thyname. I. TheCoherence. THus much ofthe preface : nowfollow the petitions. Theybee fixe in num- ber, thethree firs concernGod; thethree latt our felues. The three former petitions areagaindiuided in twoparts : the firft concerns Gods glorieit felt, the other two, themeaner wherebyGodsglorie ismanifettedand inlarged a- mongmen. ForGods nameisglorified amongmen whenhis kingdomdoth come, and hiswill isdone. Qellion. Whyis thispetition,Hallowed bethyname, fetin the fir(}place ? ernfwer. BecaufeGods gloriemutt beepreferred before all things, becaufe it is the end ofall creatures andofall thecounfelsofGod. Prou. i 6. verf. 4 The Lordbath made al d thingsforhitownsfake;yeaeiten thewickedfir theday of twill. And from the order ofthe petitionsheere arifeth a worthy inftruction, namelie, that eueryone in all thinges they take inhand , are topropound to themfelues and to intend the gloryofGod. The reafon is this : The end which Godhathappointed to all our doings , we are to propound to our fehtes : but Godhath appointedthat thehigheft endofall our doinges thould be his glo- rie : thereforeour heartsmuff befit to fecke it firft ofall. That God will haue his name glorifiedby vs, appeareth in this; that bee punilheth thofe which of obainacie let themfelues todithonourhim,or by negligence did not fanai- fie him , when they fhotild haue done fo. Herod fittinginhis royalty, made fuck anoration, that the people cryed,The voyce ofaGod,and not ofa man: and immediatlie the Angell oftheLord fmote him , becaufebeegaue not the glorie toGod.Aa. t z, t 2. AndMofesbecaufe he didnot fanaifie the Lord in the pretenceofthe childrenoflfraell,thereforehe came not into the land of promife;yet he did not altogether faile in dbingofit.Thus wemay feeby thefe punifhments,and alfo bythe orderofthc petitions,that it is ourduties topre- .ferrc the glorie ofGodbefore all thinges els. Qur 1. Whether are weto prefer the glorieof God before the faluation of our foules?A afro. Ifthe cauCeRand thus that Godsname mutt bedifhonored or our foules condemned, we muff account the glorie ofGodmore precious then the faluationofourfoules. This is manifefl in the orderofthe petitions. The petition that concernes Godsglorie is firft,andthepetitions thatconcern direáulyour faluation arethe Eft and fixt. Whereby wee are taught , thatbe- fore God fhouldwant anypartofhisglorie,wemufflet body and fouleand al go; thatGodmay haue all his glorie. Thisaffcaionhad Mofes,Exod. 3 2.3 2 whenhe laid, Eitherforginethem,5r ifthou wilt not , blot myname out ofthy -book!. In thispetition as alío in the reft, wemuff. obferue three thinges : the fir(i is -the meaningofthe wordes: the feconde, the wantes whichmen muttlearne to bewaile : the third, the.gracesofGodwhichare to defired. e.m'Me