Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

200 .stn Exjio/ition upon t o LOrdsPrayer. words,creaturesand judgements:and grant that whenwevie any ofthefe, we maythereinhonour thee,andvfe them reverently tothy glory. 3.?bemeatswhichare tobebemaikd. I . FHE wants,whichwee in thisplace are taught to bewaile, areefpecially foute. The firtl isan inward andfpirituall pride ofourhearts; afinne that none orvery few can feein themfelues,vnleffe the Lordopen their eyes.When our firfl parents weretempted in paradife, thediuelltold them they fhouldbe asGods : whichleffonnotonly they,but wehauclearned: andwe conceiucof ourfelues, aslittle gods,though to the worldwee thew it not. This hidden pride,when otherfinnesdye,itbegins to get firength, and to thew it felfe : and appeares in vaine thoughts, continuallyon curryoccafion afcending in the minde. As may appeare in the Pharifie, whole thoughtswere thefewhen lice prayed thus within hirnfelfe, O God I thanke thee that Iam notas other men, extortioners,vnird1,adklterers,ormenas this Publican,!c. And as this was in bim,so it is invstill Godgivegrace : for fo that menmay haue praifeandglo- rie inthe world,theycarenot forGods glorie though it bedefaced. We muti thereforekarnetodifcerne this hidden corruption,and tomourne for it : forít doth poyfonand hinderallgooddelires ofglorifyingGod, folongas44t doth or fhallpreuaile in the heart. 2. Secondly, wee aretaught here tobewaile thehardnelfe of our hearts; whereby weare'hinderedçlrornknowingGodaright, and from discerning the glorieandmaieflieofGod in his creatures.Mark.6.5 z. TheDifciples,through thehardnefje of theirhearts, couldnot feeGods power in the miracleof fee- dingmany thoufandswith a few loanes,though them fclueswere inflruments of it,and the food did i ncreafdin their hands. Ourredemption,what awonder- full workeis it,but howfeweconfider of it,or regarditf Ifwe fee a manhaue more wit,wealth, or honor, thanwe haue, we ftraight wonder at him : butbe- holdingGods creatures,we fee nothing in them,becaufewe doenot goehigh- er toacknowledge the loue,power,wifedome,and iufliceoftheCreator. And this isthecaufe why Gods nameis fo flenderlyhonouredamong men. 3. The third corruption is our great ingratitude, for the Lord path made beaten andearth,andall other creaturesto feint man: yethce is the molt vn- thankftillofall creatures. Beflow.many jewels,or a kings raunfome on -a dead man; hewill never returne any kindneife fomen beingdead in finne, deale withGod. Commonlymen are like the fwine that run with their groines and catevpthe mati,but neuer looke vp to the tree fromwhence itfalleth. But the godly are withDauid,to fide this want in themfelues, and to befeechGod to open andas itweretovnlocke theirlips,that they may indeuourto be thank- full toGod, Pfal. S r.verf. t 5. 4. The fourth is thevngodlinell'e and theinnumerable wants that be inour lines; and the finnescommitted intheworld. Pfaltxr, rz9, z 3 6.liline e)er(faith Dauid)