Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

J In earth as it is inheauen. .Themeaning. Auing fhevved the meaning ofthis petition, Thywillbedone: nowweare to-fpeakeofthe condition which fhewes inwhat manner we fhould doe it. For the queflion might behowwee fhould doeGodswill : and the anfwer is,that hiswill muff bedone in earth as it kinheauen. HeatienJ Byheauen here is meant the foules offaithfull men departed,and the elect Angels. Pfalm 103. io. Praife the Lordye his Angels, that excell in flrength,that doehis commandementsin beyingthe voyceofhisword, Earth] By earth is vnderflood nothing but menon earth, becaufe all other creattires in their kinde obey God: onely man he is rebellious and difobe- dient. Then themeaning is, Let thy will bee done byvs men on earth, as the AngelsandSaints departed doe thywill inheauen. Q,tteftion, Doewee here delire to doe the will ofGod in thatperfe6tion it- is done by Angels ? muff wee bee as perfe& as they? ,7nfixer. The words here vied(in earth as it, &mac.) doe not lignifie an equalitie (as though our obe- dience could in this life bee in the fame degreeof perfèaionwithAngels) but aiiimilitudeflanding inthe like manner ofobedience. Now it maybeeasked, in what manner' doe the Angels obeyGod? ArEwer. They doe the will of Godwillingly, fpeedily,and faithfully: and this is fignified in that they are faid in the Scriptures tobeewinged, and ro Grandcontinually beholding the faceofour hcauenlyfather.. And this is the manner in which weedeliireto performeGods will. z. Thewants tobebewailed. 'WE are hereadmo iifhed tobee.difpleafed with our feluesfor ourflacke and imperfect obedience to GOD , and for our hypocrifie , priuie pride,.prefumption , ceadnes offpirit, and many other wants which breake out when we are in doing Gods will. There is no feruantofG OD, but bath wantsin hisbéflS\e wemuff vnder(land P.aul,when he faith, Towillis prefent With'me, Gut rrde no , <.. s to performe that which isgood. Rom.y.. i S. Where l c f,gni4 vsthus y . eel, that he could begin good things, butnot perfedd .leer go'C,thór&v(h s we fay. When the godly doe good wort t.s, as hezre, ípea fe d ti > ,p y raifeGod,&c. theyper- formiethings accciitable to G O D : t in thèle as *they findematter of mourning : namely, the iìul-erfe6lion of the worke : thereforeDauidpraiech, Pfalm. '43.2. Enter not into judgement with thyfsrttant. And here wee may feehow farre:wide the ChurchofRome is, that holdethgood workes to bee anyway meritorious, that bee euerywayimperfed.Ifthe menofthat Church had