Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

TO .?,a eY f ae-,/ zp0,31 ¡he Loe ; s l';e lm theGentiles bellowon their children': it is vaine and friuo!óus. For it is Gods wwill,that vt e fhouldnot calf the care of h:a..cnly things onclyibut all ourcare uponhim.i .Pct.5.7. And hebath elfewherecommaunded that earthly things fhould bee askedat his hand. i .King.8. S .and the fame baue been askedin prayer ofIacob,Gen.28.2o. andSal cnenPro.; 0.7 And hereas the Lords prayer is a perfen platforme ofprayer, temporal' blefsings n,utf have fotne place there, vnleflevcc v. ill afcnbe the having and inkling ofthem to our owne indutirie, as though they were no gifts ofGod : which to thinke were great impietic. Bybread then we muff vnderfland properly akinde of' foode made ofthe floure ofgra inc that is baked and eaten : and thus it muff be taken ii: thofepla- ces offcriptu :rev< herebread isoppofedtos aceror wine: and bya figuremore generally it fignifies all things whereby temporall life is preferued : in this fenfe Goateí rrlbe iscalled 6read,Pro.27.verf. z7.and thefruiteoftrees,Ierem. 11.19. and all things that paffe to and fro in tradicke. Prou. 3 r. 14. And fo likewife in ths placeby this one mcancs of fuffainingour bodies and tempo- rall lines all other meanes whatfoeuermull bee vnderflood, as meate,drinke, clothin`,health,libcrtir,r eace,&c. And whereas our Sauiour Chria vnder the nameofbread, and not vnder the name ofanyotherplentifull or daintic foode,tcachethvs toaske temporall blefsings; he doth it for twocaufes. The fire is,that weemight hereby Jeanie frugalitie andmoderation in our dict,apparell,houfes; and bee content ifwee haue nomorebut bread, that is, things neceffarieto preferue life, which Paul comprehends vnderfoode and clothing. For wee are taught in this petition to aske nomore. Wemuff not with the Ifraelites murmurebecaufe they had nothing but Manna. Queffian. Mull we thenvie eatures onely fornecefsitie ? einfryer. We may vfe themnot only for nccefsitie,but a1íó for honeffdelight andplea. Pure. Pfal. i o4.verf, it 5. Godglueswine to mak eladthe heartofmun c a,.d style to make hisf:ceAine. And lohn t 2. <. Our Sauiour Chrifl allowed ofthe fast ofM ary,which tooke a poundofointment of Spikenardvery cofily, andan- noynted his very feete, fo that all thehoufe was filled with the finell; though h das did etieeme it wage. Yet if itfo fallout that the Lord doegraunt vs but brcad,that is,fomuch as(hail holdbodie andfoule together, weemufl thank- fully content our felues therewith. i.Timot.ó.verf3. Thereforewhenwe haue foodeand raiment, /etvs be therewithcontent. This contentationwas prad}i- fed of Iacob,Gen.28.2o. A fccondcaufe isto teachvsthat there isa particular prouidence. All men willingly confeffe the generall prouidence ofGOD ouer all things:butbe- fide thatweemutt acknowledge another moreefpeciallprouidencei euen iii the lean things that bee: becaufeeuery modal ofbread which wee Bate, wouldnomore nourifh vs than. a. peece of earrh,or a ítone,vnlefa Godgiue: fitsblcfsingrnto it. DarJ].