Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

ZIú Anexpofitiontyonthe1t1pater. Hoffer, but he fhallnot come inmy Creed . Behold thedeuils logicke, which makes malice ro becharitie. Blind people play with the Lords praier, as the fliedothwith thecandletill thebe burnt : for the more they pray thelèwords, the more theycall for vengeance againfl themfelues. Iam. e . r 3. Neither will it helpetoomit this claufe, as forehauedone in Chryfoflomes daics : for this iseven tomockeGod : and ifwedoe not forgiue,we íhallnotbe forgiuen. Leadvs not into temptation, but de- her vs from mill. I. TheCoherence. IT might (cane to for= ,that thispetition is fuperfiuous ,forwhat needbee care fortemptations, that haththepardonofhis finnes ?but ourSauiour did ,not teachvs thustopraywithout fpeciall reafon. I. Becaufe forgiueneffeof finnes,and grieuoustemptations beinfeparable companions in this life:which thingwe find tobe true,both in Gods word, and inChriflian experience : for there is noman in this worldfobeaten, andbuffeted with temptations , asthe penitent (inner that cries moil bitterly for the pardon ofhis finnes. This is the elate, that fewemen in the worldare acquaintedwith . For many are neuer çroubled with temptation,but liue in all peace and quietnesboth inbodyand foule. Luk.t t . z i . When the ffrong man armed keeper hidhold, the things that hepal:fahare in peace. Whereby is fignified , that the wickedof the ,,vorld beingpofléflèdofSathan, arenot a whitmolefled byhim .vithany tempta- tions : neither need he trouble them, Peeing, hee bath them at commandement todoe what hewill.But whena man oncebegins tomakeconfcience ofGnne; and tofuevnto the Lord forpardonofhis offences , and 11111 continues in die likeoffinne and Satan ; then theçnemic bellirreshim, and vfeth all meaner to bring that man toconfufion: he offerethall manneroftemptations to molefl him, andneuer affoords this poore (innerany tell. Hereupon,for feare ofbe- ingouercorne, heemuffpray continuallyvnto theLorde, that heemay not be ledde into temptation. Here foreChriflian eonfcicncemayreafon thus.Noman isfo troubledwith finne & fatan, as I : Therefore I am notinGods favour,but ama plaine calla- way. Anrae Ifpardouoffinne andtemptations go togither, all is contrary. If thou hadtl no-griefe for fin,nobuffetings ofthineenemies,the flefh, theworld, and thedeuil!, thoucouldeil not be inGods fauour, but under the power offa- tan :now this great meafureofthe fpiricuall temptations , is a figne rather of Gods1aue.For whoreGod loues,thedeuillhates; and whereGod workes in loue,the deuill workes inmalice. z. Secondly,thispetition isioyned withthe former to teachvs,thataswee mull be carefill topray for pardonoffinnes pall : fo allo wee mull endeupur to prei ent finnes tocome: we mull not fall again into our old finnes, neither muff webeouertaken with new finnes: 2.Tbe