AnExpöjitio»'von the Lords praier. 2' 2. Themeaning. THefe wordsbe bot allone petition : which hath two- parts, the latter be- ing a declarationoftheformer . Leadvs not into temptation : how is that clone? by deliaeringvsfromearl!. Temptation) Temptation is nothingelfe, but the enticement ofthe foule of heart,ettherby the corruptionofmans nature,orthe allurements ofthe world, or thedeuill, to any finne. lam. a . verf. i 5. God tempts noman: thatis, God roouesno man to finne. Leadvsnot] Orcarrievsnot into temptation.To be led;is to be ouercome ofthe temptation when it preuailes and wholly gets the viá orie : foas men temptedarebrought to perdition . Then themeaning isthis. When wee are mooued orentifcdto firme, Lordkeepe vs that we benot ouercome; and giue thou an iffue with the temptation. Que. cod is iliff andcannot finne : but ifhe lead meninto temptation, (hall he not be the authourof finse?An fIndeedmany fearing to chart;eGod with finite, react the wordes thus , Safervs not to be ledde. But the textis venie plaine, Lead,or carrie vs not. AndtheScriptures elfewhere vfè the like phra fesofGod. isxod. 7. verf: 3 . God is faid to harden Pharaohsheart, z.Sam. 24. . t. TheLordmooseDauid tonasmter the peaple.2.Theff.2. t r .GodPentftrong delufïon.c thatmen migot beleeue lies. Thefèand fuch like places haue a fpeciall: meaning, thus tobegathered.:There is noaelionofinan,or ofthe deuill,abfb- lutely cuill : but although in force refneéfs it be eurll , yet in force other it is good : for wearenot to thinke that as there isa maineor abfolute good,fo alto there isa maineor abfolute euill. eThus then, tempt:tion heeing ana Pion, it is notin euery refpe& euiW: but inforcegood in force euiIE.And fo farre forth as it is good,the Lordworkes it : btuas it is euill, bee doeth ttot worke it,but wil4- lingIypermits it to bedonebyman and Sathan I , And therebe `oure refpeóìs in whichGodmay be a worker in tempta- tions, andyet befree from finne. I. l irf}, hetempteth by offeringoccafions & obicEts to trie whether aman .will Geneornot. Amatter fufpedinghis .fer uant, which in word profeflf:.thñdelitie, layes a purfe ofmoney inhisway, to trie ifhe will fleale it : uvhich ifheflBale, beebath foundbywatchinghim, a fe cretthiefe; and fohath laidehim openfordeceiuing any more, Now,thistry- ing olbiin is no fvise, thoughhe Gig in Dealing, In the famemanner tempteth God his own: feruants, to fr-rooue and tries. tl em.Deut. r 3.3. Thou 'halt noti hearkenvato thewordes ofthe Prophet or dre tmer ofdreames: for the Lord thy Giodprooueth you to ! ,sowwhether ye louethe Lordyour Godwithiallyourheart: 2. Secondly, Godleadesintotemptationby withdrawinghisgrace. Nei- thercan thisbe a fnie inCod : bec aule hce isbound tonoman to glue him grace.Andhere isa diffictence I,ec' ene the temptingof God andSatan.God bolds backe grace whenh: tenìrts, the&ta:ll li:L e 1s cu,il .notions. 3 . Etrcry