Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

2.20 .fin expo itivn vpon the orspret er. 3 . Eueryaetion fo feare forth:is it isananion isgood,andofGod. A6les 17.28.1a himwe lice, mooue,and is ueourbeing . Therefore God isa worker in temptations, fofarre forth as theyare a&ioas . One man kils another : the veriemooning ofthebody inthe doingofthis villanie is ofGod : butthe wic- kedneffe ofthe aótion is from man, and the deuill. Aman rides vpon a lame bode, and fiirres him : the rideris the caufe ofthe motion, but the horfe him - felfeofthehalting in themotion. SoGod is authour of the aóiion, but not of theeuill ofthe aaion. 4. The fourth way is in regard ofthe end. God temptshis feruants onlyto correa and humble them fortheir hones , and to trie how they will abide the croffe, and to moouc them the more to loue him.Deut. 8.z. Godof lió}es the children oflfrael,to triethem whether they wouldkeephis commandments. 2. Chron. 3 I. 3 i . Hetrieth &echias to f ewhatwas in his heart. Thedeuils end in tempting, is onelyto bringthe partieto defiruóion. Thus wee needenot feare to fay, that God in font erefpeasBoth tempt hisowne feruants. .Deliuer vsfromeuill) That is, free vs from thepower of the flefh, the de- uili, and the world . Some take euill in this placeonely for the deuill, but wee may take it more largely for all fpirituall enemies: i. Ioh. S. t 9. The wholeworld lieth ineuill. vz. Vnder thepower of finneand Sathan. Thefe words(as I haue Paid) are aproofe and explanationofthe former : for when a man is deliuered fromeuill,he is not led into temptation : the caufe being takenaway, the ef- fea ceafeth. 3. Thevfes. i.1]Ence we learne what a righteousGod,Iehoua is,that canworkein euill a61.-ions, andyet bevoidoffinne. . Whereas we fay, lead vs not, &c. Wee notethat the deuill in temptati- onscan goe no further thanGod permitshim. 3. Wearenot to praythat temptationsbe quite taken from vs, or that we bewholly freed from them ; but that theydoenot ouercome vs. For it is the Lords will thathis Churchfhouldbe tempted. Nay,Dauid defircd force kind of temptations, Pfál. 2 6.i. Pragueme, DLard. And lames faith, Account it forexceeding ioy, rrhenyeefhallfallintodiners temptations. Iam.r.z. 4. Notealfo that euery manby natureis the bondilaueof finne and fatan. For where is deliuerance,there was abondage firff. This confutesthe Papifts, who maintaine freewill: for wee are dead in finne by nature, as a manin a grasue, and wemutt hill pray thus till we befully delivered. 4. Wants to bebewailed. Hecorruption, which in thispetition weought tomourne for, is the eon- ' tinuall rebellionofour wicked natures; andour proneneffeto yeeld vpour felues ineuery temptation to finneandSathan. And the remnants of the olde bondage