Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

tSn expufatianvpon the Lords traer. 2 2 t: bondagevnder Sathanmuff begrieuous and irkcfomeuntovs, and wee muff bewaile them bitterly. the Imes in abodily captiuitie, wept when they re- membredSion, Kahn. r a7. Howmuch more fhould weweepe, when wee fide the lawofour members rebelling againff the laweof our mimics, and leading vs captiueto fume. 5. Grace:totedeftred. *ì"He contrarieblcffing tobe defired,is thatGodwould ffablifhvs byhis,free finrit. Pfalme 5 r . r 2. Which is focalled, becaufeit fets vs euery day more andmore at libertie out ofthe reachoffinne andSathan. for thine is thekingdome,thepower and glorie, for euer. t. Themeaning. THefe wordescontaineareafon of all theformer petitions: whereby wee aremoonedto crane things necdfu1l atGodshand. Thineis] Earthly kings hauekingdómme,power,andglory,Dan,2. 3 7.Yetnot ¡from thcmfdues,but fromGod, whofevicegerents they areonearth. There. fore tomake a difference betweenGods kingdome, power,andglorie, and thofe ofearthly kings, it islaid, Thint is thekingdome, pc. that is, that God bath allthefe inhimfelfe, and fromhimfelfe, and men from him. Thekingdome]Therewordes, r .Chro. 29.1 r . are fullyexpounded, Thine, OLord, isgreatncs,power, and viîlorie,andpraife: andallthatis inheartenand earth it thine: thine is:bekingdome, and thou excel/ui l4 beadotterall, mac. Thekingdome islaid to beGods,becaufe he isabfolute poffeour andowner ofall things that are; and altobath foueraigne rule ouerall things at his will. Nowout ofthis firfl propertieofGodweemay gather athong motiue to in- ducevs topray vntohimalone. For feeingall things arehis, both in heauen& earth whatfoeuer;therefore we muff core tohim forthegraces and bleffiings which wedefire. Thepower] Oftcnti mesearthly princeshaue kingdomes,yet want power : butGodbathkingdome and powerallo : yeahis power is infinite, and he can doe all that hee will, andmorethanhe will: as forchafe things whichcoreof impotencie,he cann t dotthem; and ifhee could,hee íhould not beomnipo. tent.Andas he is omnipotent iuhimfelfe, foall the powerwhich anycreature bath.isfrom himalone. Ottelfitut. Howcan thisbe,feeing thedeuillbath powerto finne;which is notbornGod? Anfw.To finneisno power,butratherawant ofpower:other thcrwife all the ílrengthandpower Satan bath, isof God. P la+d