Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

222 An expf9lition vpcn ttelor s Tra9rr. Atld From this fecondpropertieistaken anotherinotiue to mouevs to-pray veto God. Becaufeall rower booinghis , wee canneuer doeany of the things whichweaske, butbypower received fromhim. J"h F e is the brie This third propertie ofGod, arifeth fromthe two for.. mer, for Peeing the title and interer in all things, and thepower whereby they are difpofed a-nci governed , is ofGod : therefore it foflowcs that all glorie is his : yea in him-is fitlnc ileof glorie, and thc-glórioof thecreature is allof him. To flanc :II thenbelongs nothiçg hzst tha seand confas,&:9.2.Dan 9.7. This thirdpropertie nilireth a third to induce men topray vntci God alone. Forfceing all gibrieby right is his, therefore we Irma int:ocatehis holy name, dut in fo doing, wemayglue -him the z forie due vntohim, gorex,erJ The words in the originall are,for eges, Now an age fgni es the fpaceofan hundredyeeres : but here it is taken fer eternitie : becaufeeternitie is nothingbut multiplicationof ages'. And as eternitie ishere noted byages, fo on thecontrarie Tee reade, that eternitieis takenfor a certaine and diain& titre, Gen. i 7.i?.God promifcth Abraham to glue him the land of Canaan for aneucrla/ling po f on : that is, fora long feafon. For elle Abrahams fecde fhould inherits the land vntill this time,which it doth uot. Wherefore, as often the whole is put for the part, vz, eternitie for a certainc,time : lo here the part- is put for the whole, agesfor eternitie.; This alto makesa difference betweene earthly .princes and the mightie Iebouah. They hauekingdome, power; and glorie,for a fhort time,. but he abfolutely and foreuer. 2. Thevfes. x. Ere we lcarne inpraiertoabate ourfeluesbeforeGod, and vtterly to de-- Die all that is in vs. Kingdome, power,and glorie is all his, not ours: wee are no better than rebels and traitorsto him : ifwee haue anygood thing, it is fromhim, eueu the grace whereby we pray Andhe that in praier will not con. feffethis, (hall no more be heard ,.than the infekntbeggerthat will not ac- knowledge his want. 2. Secondly,in praicr we 'carne, that wemuff be perfwadedof two things, and build vpon them Gods power, andwill : his power, in that he isable; his vv ill, in that he is carefit II toperforrnecurrequefis, as it was noted in the pre-. face: the Ertl ofthcfe is figni led by king dome andpower,the fecondis noted, in thatglorie is his,z.Cor. r.:o. For all thepromifesofGodinhim,areyedand vnto the ofGod. 3. Againe,wegather that prier &thankfgiùing muff gotogither: foras in the fxe petitions we ill adercgncfl vntoGod ; fo in there words wepraife him, & thereby giuc him thanks.Phil.;+6.Bat:n a/itpings let your rcgncfis ;í e!hew- edto God inpraicra dfnpplication withthankefgitsing. There is cone but in want Will be readie topray: but whenwebauereceined,we arc flack ingluing ofthankes: but hewhich will prayaright,inufl ioyne thembothtogither. And -. the funarne .fall Godspralfe (landsin tiefe threepoints.i. That-he isan abfo- lute