t; °uexpeftttottvpont1e Lords Prayer. .323 lute King. 2. Thathce bathabfolutepower to rule allthings. 3 . That hauing power anda kingdocne,Àee bath glorie alfo,which appeares in the holding of his kingdome, and the Chewing ofhis powerin gouerning, of it. 4. Whatfoeuer we aske, we routt referre it to Gods glorie : this isthe firff thingwhich wewere taught to crauè,and thelafl we are toperforu e,becaufe it isnotedboth in thebeginning, andin theendofthepraier. Thus muchofthe vfeof thefe words altogither:now let vsmake vieofthetn particularly. r . Whereaswe fay, Thineis thel ,Yggdom ,Magiflrates and rulers muffknow,that allthe authoritie & rulewhich theyhaue is from the Lord , therefore they muffremember toorder thetnfelues asGodsvicegerents, vfing theirpowertobringmen in fubieelion to Gods laves: andreferring all their callings to his glorie. z.Where we fay, Thine ifthepower, VVe areadmonifhed, when we are to performeanyworke, as to doferuice to God,tokeepeour felues in the corn.. paffeofourcallings, and thatwehauenopower ofourfelues : & for this caufe wemuff askepower at Gods hands,that wemaybe inabled towalkevpright- Iy beforehim,and doe ourduties. 3. In faying, Thine is theglorie, wee learne, that ifwewould haueagood report and praifeamongmen, wee muff aboue all things feekeGodsglory, not regarding fomuch our owne. Ifhee give thee praifeamongmen,giuehim thankes:ifnot,becontent,becaufeall glory ishis. Amen. I..The meaning. VvF-e hatreheardthe prefáce, and thepetitions what theyare : nowfol- Ioweth he thirdpart, which isthe affent or teflificationof faithre- quired in prayer in this wordAmen. And it containesmore than men at the firff wouldisnaginè: Itfignifies,certainly,fabeit,orit'hallbefo: 2. Cor. r. 20. It is often taken for a bare afièent ofthepeople, faying Amen to the minifler but in this place it containes more: for eiierypoint in this praier is not onelya direaion for publike praier, butforprivat alfo, and mull be laid as well ofthe miniffer, :as ofthe pèopk.Now then,thcrebeing twoprincipallthings inprai- er s thefirffadefrreofgrace : the fecond faith, herebywee belecuethat God will grant things defired.The firff is exprefièdin theEire petitions : the latter is fet forthin this word Amen, carrying this fence in effe&. As wee haue craned tilde things at thyhands,O Lord: fowedo belecue thatfor Chrifls fake, in thy good timethou wilt grant them to vs.Therfore thispart is more excellentthan theformer,by how much ourfaith ismore excellent thanourdelire. For in this word iscontained theteflifïcation ofonr faith, whereas the petitions areonely teffificationsofourdelires And 'as itisin the end , foalio itis the feale ofour praiers to make them authenticall, and it istobe vied (as men commonly take it)notonely forthisend toanfwerthe mini&cr, raying in thecongrega. saion,but aliío te tetliAe or faith forthethingdefined. Pp z 2.Graces