to expopo s von the Lords fr°áyer, 2-25 the petitions as they ($and, (nail be ableby referring euery grace. and want to hisproperhead, tomake difiinél t)raier: and tovarie it as time, -pace, and o- ther occalions ihákinoouchim, weft, Mt)fhvve-ofnecoilitie follow all thepetitions in.conceiuing a praierr Aarf.No, but onelythof ; which doepriitcipzllybelongtothetirre, placesand occafion, as Paul maketh a praier,ColofE. t .2,i o.Andall thepoints ofit may be referred to the third and iaL petitions. Againe, a Chriíiangrammay makean excellent confcf ion ofhis finges by thispraier : ifhe f hall, keeping the order o thepetitions, confèf e andbewaile thefinues Which euery petition requires vs topray againfl. And it ferues to make athankefgiuing to od, thus: let a matt remember all the graceswhich hebath rcceiued fromGod , lethim then referre themtothe petitions , & give thankes toGodafier theorderofthem, turningeuerypetition into a thankef- gitri:rg. _ Ofthe eircumffancei ofprayer. k! rant. r. 2 Herber aman is to vfe a voice in.praier ? Anfì'. Inpublike V V praier it is requifite that there be a voice : for the tniniffcr is the mouthofthepeople, and to the praier whick beeconceives, they giue af- fent. For privat praier, vfingofa voice is conuetìient;yet fo as it may be done ïn filence. I. The Lordagave vs the voice, as well'astheheart to bleffe him withall.Iam. /.9. i`. !God`ereated the tongue aswell as theheart; andfoenwill be praifed by both. 11f. The voiceof cn (limesvp the heart : and againe , the vchemencie -of af:'e&londoth eefrendrawout avoice : the voice then in privat praier is tequifite, yet in force cafes may beomitted,for it is not abfoiutely ties ceffiry. Mofesand Anna praied infilence, What geflure is to be vied inpraier? Afro, The words dothnot afl'oord anyparticulardirec ion.Our,Sauiour and hisdifeiplespraied in diuers gef-lures : knee ling Handing groueling,lGokïng7ro heaven, lookiugdowne;to' the earth, fitting,lyi:i' gt.c.ái.y.Gbd refpeds not the self urea brit theaffeehon of the heart: yet two thingsmul} alWaics be ingeflure: that it be comely : feconcily, that itdoe fitlyexp ref e the aì `c ionoftheheart: as when weaske inercie, to looke toheaven :when we bewaileour faints, to lookedowneward, and to humbleevrbod;es;&c. eftio=s,'?. Whatrimerruf't eprayIn? rrer.The`'face^s let down;"; 1.T'im,1,8: WeKeay,priryin all places ;o1.-whichthere is nodifference. Sorne will fay, thatin. thëaimie. ofthe lawe, the tabernacle and temple were places of divine :praier. %nfixirr. The templeand tabernacle were types of Chrifl and his Church, and the.vrsi ie refit : but now,weehau ine the thing it fclte fignified - thereby,may prapid all pinces. Our Sault); praied in the :ildcrueffe; on the Mount, . Peteronthehoafe top, Paul bythe fea f7horc: yet fo, that p rblicgim..: praier mufl beaíèdinpubrike p aecs, as-Churches, Chappell, &c.. notbecanfe: in theìn is morebolines,butfor order fake. Pp Q..ueftíes,