226 4n F,, aßtion /pan the erespriderä .Qrar.,/tion. 4 What is the time appointed for praier? nf. Pryycornrnte. sii,t,5,7. that is,vpon all occafions : or when a man begins any hufinetfe, txhether it be inword or deed,Coloff. 3. t 7. or as Daniel, whopraied ahr.%é e_ a very d6,Dan.6. it . orasD2uid, whopraied at ertenha, andmorning,:=ndr.aon_ tide.rfà1.5 5. i 8. and feoen times aday : that is,many.Pfala t 9.14o. Thuswee !hall pray continually. Euery day affoords threeefpcciall occafions. r . The entrance to our callings in themorning. z. The receivingof Gods creatures at noontide. . Thegoing torefi at night. Againe, betidefet and folemne praiers, there be certaine k Inds of fhort praiers which the fathers call Et ,cttla- tianes, that is, the liftings vpofthe heart intoheauen fecretly and fúddainly: and thiskind of praying may be vied as occafion isoffered eueryhoure in the day. Q /?ion. 5. Whether may we pray forall men or no? 4nfrver. Wee may and weemaynot. Wee may, ifall men, or mankindbe taken diîttibutiuely, or feuerally. For there is nopanic ularcountrey,kingdome,towne,perfon, but wemay makepraiers for it. And though menbe Atheifis, Infidels, Heretilies, yea deuils incarnate; yetfur any thing weknow, they maybelong to the ele- etionofGod : except they finne againfi the holy ghofi, which finne is verie feldomeand hardly difcerned of men. And in this fence muti the comman- dment ofPaul Le vnderfiood : Iexhort therefore thatfr/1of allfujfbeations, prayers,e; c. be madeforallMen, r . Tim. 2.1.Wee maynot pray for all men, if all men ormankind be taken coileiliuely,that is,ifall men beconfidered whol- iy togither as they makeone bodie or companie , andbe taken aswe fay, in groffe. For in this bodie or maffeofmankinde there be force, though theybe vnknowne tovs, yet I fay, therebe force whome God in his iuif judgement hath refu fed,ivhofe faluation by praier (hall neuer be obtained. .Qrseflion. 6. Whether is it pofliblefor a man topray inreading ofa praieri ,fnfwer. Jt pleafeth foine tomooue this quefiion ; but there isno doubt ofit. For praier is a part ofGods worfhip , and therefore a fpirituall action ofthe heart ofman lianding fpecially in a delreof that whichwee want, and faith whcrbywe beleeue,that our deliresThal be gráted.Now thevoice or vtteráce, whether it bein readingorotherwife, is no part ofthe praier, but anoutward means wherebypraier is vttered &expreffed.Therfore there is no reafon whya formeofpraier being read,fhould ceafeto be apraier,becaufe it is read;fobe it the fpirit of grace&praier be not wanting in the partie reading& thehearers. Obiet!ien. To read a Sermon isnot to preach: and therefore to reada praier is not topray. Anfwer. The reafouis not like inboth. Forthe gift ofpreach- ingorprophecie can not be fhewcd andpra tiled in the reading ofa Sermon andfor this caufe the readingofa Sermon is not preaching or prophecie: but the graceand gift ofpraier way be (hewed in reading of apraier : otherwife it wouldgoe veryhard with them that want cònuenient utterance, by reafonof forcedefea in the tongue, or by rcatfonof batbfulne fe in the pretence ofo- &hers. Of