Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

IaExpfionupon theLerdspraycr. 227 OfGodsburinsourpraierr. Hitherto we haue fpoken of themaking ofpraier toGod, a word ortwaine ofGods hearing ourpraiers. uç iox. Howmany waies doth God hearemens praiers? Anfw. Two waies. The firfl inhis merci; when hegraunts the requefts offuchas call vpou him in the feare of his name. Secondly, bee hearer mens praiersin his wrath. Thus hcc gaue the Ifraelites Qailesaccording to theirdelire. Pfalm. 78.29,. 30. 31. Thus often mencurfe themfelues, and with thatthey werehanged or dead : and accordingly they haue their with. QLgefion 2. Why dothGodde{erre toheare the praiersofhis feruants? Anfave. Firfl, to prooue them by delay . Secondly, to exercife their faith Thirdly, tomakethem acknowledge that the things which they receive are Gods giftes, and not from themfelues. Fourthly, that graces quickelygiuen might not belightly efleemetl . Fifcly, that an hungritig after grace might be tharpened and increafed. Sw. flias. 3. After what manner doeth God heare his feruants praiers? Arefwe-r. Twowaies . Firfi, bygranting the thing which was asked actor. ding tohis will.Secondly, by denying the thing defied, and by giuing force.. thingproportionalltoit. Thus God denies temporarie bleffings, and in the roome thereofgiucs eternal]inheauen. Thushe refitfcth toremooue the croffe from his feruants, andgives in find thereofftrength andpatience,Chrifl prai- ed that the cuppe might be rernooued . It was not remooued,yct beein his manhoodewas inabled tobeare the wrathofGod . When Paul praied three times that the pricke in the fleth might beremooued, it was anfwered, My flrength isfutliicient forthee. Qfl:on. 4. VVhy doethnot God alwaiesheare mens praiers? Anf*'. There be many caufes of this. The firft, becaufe oftentimes wee know not toaske as wee ought . Match. 20, z2. The fecond, becaufé we aske amifl'e. lam.4, 3. The third, becaufe cilia-whiles the things whichwe aske, though theybegood in themfelues, yet they are not good vnto vs and forthat caufe arewithheld.z .Corinth, j a.verf. 7. The lait, becaufe Godwill for forre long time defer= the grauntingofthat which weeaske , thatheemay flirre vpour faith and hope, andour diligenceinpraier: and that wee might the bettere. fieemeof the gifles ofGodwhen we haue them, andtheweour felues more thankful Pp 4