Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

Pamis Praym To the Reader. Pin his Erglks hath fee downe the filiIITCofmany ofhis. prners; Ir. they are verygraticus a lidheauenly, and haue here fee them downe, that thou tni,,htef}know them, and in thypraiers folityvv them. 6. 1ecaferibt to givethantes for you, making menti6 ofyon in Mypraiersg 7.That the'Goci °four Lord 1(711 ;s Chria, thefather. ofglmie,might gitievn, to you the fpitit ofwifedok'ne, and of reuelation, in the acknoWledgement 8,Thecies of your mind heckle,enliJitened , that yeemayknowwhat the hope is ofhis calling, and what thjrit. he's are of his glorious inheritance in , the Saints. . T9.Andwhat is the exceeding greatnes orhis power invs that beleeue; açcor. dingto the working ofbismightiepover. ' ,o,Whichhe wrought in Chrift, when hee railedhim from thedead , and fet at his righthand in heauenlYplaces. The Expofition. I INT thicexcellent prayerwee are tomark! two things : thefir_ ,towhomit ¡s Imade: thefecond, is thematter., ! , For thefirfi,it ismade togod theFather, ,who is elefcribedby two titles. The TheGod of our Lord lefrisChoi+, namely di Chrift is man: for ai thrift ii God, hee isequall withtbefither Thepew;el, The fatherof glorie, that is,4 gloriousfather, andhe fiicalled todifitiignip himfrom earthlyfathers. `I he matterof thepraterilandeson two principal! poiits.Firfl,heeaAfth of God, the fpirit of wifdcme, whereby theferuantsof!6;adat'e inabled to difcerne out oftheword, in entry bufines which they ta in hand, whether itbe in worde or deed, what onght tobe done, andwhat. ought tobe left ondone : as alfo the cir- camilances, the time. place, manner ofdotng any thing. Secondly, heepraiethforthe-4I)irit ofreuclation, whereby thefaithfull bane their whole Oat.. before God, reitaed onto them accerding to theword the thing fell; beeingotherwifificret andhidden. .Cor. 2.9,10,1 2. Further the worksof this prit in thegodly is twofold,theoneconcernes God himfelfe, the other the thingsof God. . Theworeof the fu rit ofreuelation : which refjieEls God bin:le/le Ic, anac- knowledgement of the Father, or ofGal. Now toacknowledge God the Fa. they isnot only toknow, andcolfefettha t beM afarher of thefae:thfull:but alp, tobe repined inco:pie:gee that' be afather tome inparticular. Second»hat Chr!,11 ienot onely ingenerallaSainour of the e , bist that he is infpeciallmy &inkier andredeemer. Theficondworkeofthi isan illuminationofthe tierof the mindto/è: andknowthe things ofGodrobichhebathpreparedfor them that doe beleene :& they