Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

P;tils Prayers. 229 theyare trvo. T he firfr is life eternal!, which is deffribedbyflueargetrten ts, i . It is,the Epheanhope,thdt is,the thinghopedforinthis life. 2. 7t` thehope of the callingofGod : 6 camp. in prefrch g of the Gos`fcll it is offered, and men arecalled to Waitefor thefame 3. An inheritance, properly to Chriff, 6ecaufe he is the raturallfonne of God: andby hem to allthat/Ball beleeue. 4. Theex- celrencte,besauf>rt is a rich andgloriousinheritance. 5. Lafy,itismadepro- perto theSaints. 7 hefecondthitg is the greatncs ofthepowerofGod, wherebyfinve is mars tiled,.ehe corrupt rature renewed, and mightilyffrengthenedin temptation:. Thispower isfitfoarthby twoarguments. Thefir/f is thefsbicCf or perfons íh whom thispower is mademanifet . In them thatbelceüe. Becaufe nonecan feele this,but theywhich apprehend (briftby faith. Thefecondis the wanner of m,a- nifefinÚ thispowerin them,which is according to theworking of his 'nightie power, which he (hewed in Chrilt. Andthanv.uin three things. Firff,input. ring d hisenemies underhisfeete, verf.2. Secondly, inrailinghimfromdeath.. Thirdy, in placing him at his right hand. 14 Í. w thereforePanle praye s that thiswonderful,'power ofGod,whichdid¡ben, fourth it feife in the head('hriff, mfahtlikewifefhem it f ife in themembers ofChrift. Firff,in treadingSatan a idfitine under their feetc. Rom. r 6.1o. Secondly, in railing them fromflume, asout of agraue to holinesof life. Thirdly, in advancing them in the timeap pointed to the %ingdorne ofglorie in heaven. Ephef.3. z ..TOr this caute I bow my knees unto the Father: of our Lorde Iefus: Chritl. 1-5. Ofwhom is named thev<hole fämilie inheauen and earth. 16. That he would graunt you according to the riches ofhisglorie,that ye- maybe ftrengthenedbyhis fpirit inthe inner man. r7. That Chi may dwell in your heartsby faith: i 8. That yebeing rooted andgrounded in loue, may bee able tocompre hendwith all Saints,what is thebreadth and length,and depthandheight : 19. Andknow the loueofChrifi9 which.paffethknowledge, that ye may be filled withall fumes ofGod,. ïo. Vnrohim therefore that isable to doeexceeding abundantly,aboue all that weaskeor thinke,according to thepower thatvvorketh invs, a 1. Be praife in the Church byChrifl Icfus, throughout all generations foreuer,Atnen. The E.ipofiiion,- THef r wordscontaine twoparts, apra, yer, and a tbankefgiu:i,g. In the prayer theft points are to beemark,edFirg, thegregure :Ibowmy knees, 73-hereby