230 Pants Prayers. Paulfgnifacs hishtrrnblefubssiJon toGod inpraier.Secondly,towhombe praiee. re the Farber;who is defcribed by two titles: thefirli,theFatherof our Lord IefusChrillomdthat by nature asheir Ged,and as he is manbyperfonall union. Tbeother title.Ofwhom the whole familie, which is in heauen and earth, is named : Inwhichwordsis f t downa defcriptionof the Church ; firfl it sra Fa- mille,becaufe it is the conspanie ofGods eleEt children under thegovernment ofonefather : I .Tim.3.i 5. It itcalled thehoufeofGod. Ephe.2J9. They that belesue arePaidtobe.ofthe boufholdofgod : fecondy, theparts ofthe Catbol:kg Churcharenoted, namely, the Saints in beauen departed, and Saints lining on earth: thirdly,iti;laid to bee namedof the father ofChria,bccaufeas the fa therofChrift it thefather oftbisfarnilie: fo alfo thisfamilie iscalled byhim: Genefis6.i.Dan.9;80. Thirdly, thematter oftheprayerfitandsoffour'mo! werthiepoints. The firff u fêrengtb to Beare the crofe and to ruff fpiritualltemptations, verf 1 ó.where thefdreaaigth isfet out by diners arguments: Farff, that st is the meeregift ofGod,that he would gauntyou : Secondy,the caufeofflrength,by his Spirit : Thirdly, the f ebieftor placewhere thisfirengthmull be,in the inner man,thatis in thewholeman, fofarrefeorthasheisrenuedbygrace, Eph6.14. 7befecond is,thedwellingof Chrift in their hearts by faith : Faith is whena roan beingferiouflyhumbled for bisfirmer, isfurther in conference perfwaded, andrefolued o fthepardonoft hem, andofreconciliation toGod. Nowwhere this perfwafon it in deede, therefollowesneceffarilie Chris'ls dueRingin the heart, ehiebfa;andsin two things : thefarfiis,the ruling and orderingof the thoughts, ea ffec`tions,and duresofthe heart,according to his will;as amailer rules inhis haute: the fecund is thecontinuanceofhis rule. For he cannot belaid todwellin aplace ,who rules init butforadry. Tbe third,is theknowledgeandtheacknowledgewent of the infanigreatnefs of Gods lots in Chri/f,an did l oftheformer.verf. a 8.19.tbewords arethus ex- planed: Rooted and grounded. Here the loneofyodwherewith he loges doer- let-Us asa rooteandfoundation ofallGods benefits, clelion, vocation, im1ifaca- tiom,andgloe-ifrcation:c)Y1en are rootedandgroundedin loue,when god; ffririt strives their heartsofgods loue,and deth glue them force inward fenfe and feelingofit. For then theyareas it werefenfiblieputinto the roote,andlaidon thefoundation. With all Saints : Pani defare; thisbeneft,notonly to theFpbe- fans, but alf to al thefairlimawith them. What is the length, the bredth. Hi-re isafjiecch borrowedfro>athe Geometricians, andit figniles theabfoltste greatnefT or infaliteneffe ofGods dam , and that it is 1:1Ze aworlde, which for leIth ,dreadtb,heigrht ,andderh,is endle fê. Here note the order ofreceining grace. F0, Orr"?dwelt in theheartbyfaith. Secondly, then cones afenfeand feelingofGods loue, a; it weir-by ser.'airedrops thereof ` hirdy, after this ari- feth a plentiful kyowledbre , and apprehenfaonofgods loue, andas it werethe potoringout galea into4 auus heart e thatforgremosi hash neither bottom Nor