Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

Pads Prayers. 231 or banke. Andknow the loueofChrifl : theft, words ('ac Itake it) are anex:- pofition oftheformer :for to comprehend the loue of God, is nothingel, 6m te know the lanea f hrif : Confìdering that allwhom thefatherloueth, he loueth them ir, Chrifi,vblebpaf eth ktknowledge : that is, rebichforthegreatne(feofit no triad canfu4%,1¿now. Thefourththing is the fulnefe ofGod,graces,verf r 9. Here the fulnetïe of God,dothnotfgnrfrefulnes ofthe Godhead or drainenature,6xt theperfsl-tion cftheinner reran z. hichf iall not be tillafter thislife. Now follower the thankvefginiug,or the praife ofGod, vert. 20.2 r containing theftjoints. Thematterofpraife,hispowerandbountifulnef i,whereby he can tivorke exceeding aboundantly abone all we askeor thinker andboth thefeare notonly to be conceived inmiede, but alfo may befelt in theheart, according tothe po wer that workethin vs. 2. Theforme ofpraife, glorie vnto God by Chritl,asallbenefits are receivedfrom thefather by ChrjI. 3. Theproperplace oftruepraif ofGod, theChurch. 4. The eontinnanceofhis fe, thorow all generationsfor euer. Philip. r . Gid this Ipray,that your louemay aboun0yetmore and rnore,inknow- leage and all fcnfe. 3:.. ro. Thatye may difcerne things that differ: to the end, ye may beepure and withoutoffence, to thedayofChrifl. I. Filledwith fuitesofrightcoufneffe, whichare by MilsChrifi,vnto the praifeandglorieofGod. TheEpofiìion. FHis prayercontains threeparts. In the firfl, Paul praieth for increafe of' loue in thePhilippians,whe:her it be toGodor men, verf.9 , andhePares the meanesof increafe,whichare two: knowledge andfenfe, orfeeling. For(togot backward) themereaaodly manfeeler Gods loue, and path experience ofGods word inhimfelfe; the more bee knowerofGods morde , andFerreira' his loue vonto him :the more be louesGodagaine,and hisneighbourfor hisfade. Thefecond thingpraiedfor, is the gift ofdrfcerning inherebymenknows, what is trne,rehatfalfe; what istobee done, what tebee leftundone: the endsof thisgift are two. TheNI, that by eneanesofst, theymay be pxre and;were: that is,keepeagood confcicncebefore godand men in their lines and callings. Thefecond is,to be without offence : that is,innocent,giuing no occa(+onofstein toany,andnot taking them offered by others:and the continuance ,cfibefe is notedto the dayofChrifi; which is ¡be time in which.he commeth tt vs, either by tardeath,or by thedaft iudgcment. Thirdly,