Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

232 Pawls Prayers. rhirdll,heprayeth that they might aboa :d inprodworts, whichare, efcri- bedby ec fïmilitade, fruités of' righteoufne ffe : Chríflians bong frriì fftll trees. Ezech.47.z2.Efay.6z.;.2.By the caufe efcient, which are by Chrift.3.By the end,vnto theglorieandpraifeofGod. Colofj:t. g.ICeafe not topray for you,and to defire thatye might befilled withknow- ledgeofhis will,in all wifedome and fpirituall vnder(+anding. z o. That yemight walke worthieof the Lord, and pleafe him in all things, fru&ifying in all goodworkes, and incrçafing in the acknowledgement ofGod. r z. Strengthenedwithall might throughhisglorious posver,ento all patience and long fufferingwith ioyfulries. z a. Giuingthanker tothe father which bath made vs fit tobepartakers ofthe inheritance oftheSaints in light. 13. Who bathdeliuered vs from the power ofdarkneffe, and bath translated vs intothe kingdomeof his owne forme., TheExpoftion. \ +ti He fewordscontainQ praier anda thtn.tkefoiiing, In thepraier,r reg: areaslesd. t hefrfl is the.increafc. of thc: knowledgeofGods reueale :; inhis word, and he devides it into sç.o Farts: wifedome, which is not to knowGods word, brit alfo to apply it to everyallionfor the right andholy perfor- mingthereof and fpirituallvnderlianding,whichis,when-, e.zbythe (15-lance o fGodsjiirit,eloe conceive thewill ofCodtogeneral!wirhorst applying. Secondly,Pavl praiesfrrthefruitesefrhisknowled e,whichare revere.. I. To walk e wort e ofCjo áasgood f rzsantsdoe, nho in their appare!l,gefiare,_tndali their doings, fo behave themrelises that they maycred't their vaaf ers. 2; To pleafe God in all things,b t pproningtheir heart Tintohim. 3 . To beplentifdl in a:'lgood'wordes. 4. To increafe inthe ac, nomteslseinentofGod. For the more a ay increare in lor :r ledyeand experience in Gods word, theMoret`hallthey a - - knowled(re Godthefatl.ter to betheir f ther,Chrs.fl tobee their redeemer,and the holyGhoj/theirfm ifer. Thirdlt,hepraies that the Coloansmayder lengthened, verf, a ; . where he -notes thecattle, Gods glorious power; and thee5h,whichare three. r. Pa- ticnce.,becaufe it-isnece ff74riethat thegodly leermanya/ iéions. s .Long fuf< firing,%ecatsf oftentimes thefameape-lionscontinue long. 3. Ioyfulneffe,be- cai,fe the 674e isbitter. The thanhefgitingisfor a benefit, that Godhadmade the Coloffignsfitfer the l«nudome ofglorie :and thereafnis, becatefe hehadmachthemmembersof the bbingdorrue ofgrace. ,7"bef