'FM; greer% s33 T :143. 22. T I'eLord inereafeyou;andmake you abotrnd inloueone,towardsan oti er, and towart; all men : euen as vvedoe towards you. 13. make your hearts Gable and vnblamcable inholines beforeGod, eutn our father at the comming ofour Lord I fus Civil} with all his Saints. 2, nef2. 26. TEfus Chrifl our Lord, andourGod, euenthe father which bath lovedvs, and Bath giuen vs euerlalling confolation and good hope through. grace, 17. Comfortyour hearts,and Rablithyou in eucryword and goodworlse, t.ThefS 23. xiOw thevery Godofpeace, fanetifieyou throughout : and I J. VGod that yourawhole fpirit andb fouleand bodje : a + blamelefíèvinotheconuning ofourLord 1efinsCbrii},. may apt Th./yndoind b Tbifri/l,tp' _.;dtoiov