Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

A Stang gathered out of the.Pfalmes, containing the fobs :and ji h.t of.all repthtantfinners. i. Afrefrue to I Ordheare myprayer hearke theplaint that I doemaketo thee: preparation of LLord in thy natiue trueth,and in thy iuftice anfwerenice. 1yraer. Pfal 143.1. Éfalm.ócc. RegardOLordfor I'complaine,and makemyfateto thee: Let not my words returne invainebut Oneancareto nice. :. ,teonfeßion Behold,in wickedneffemy kind,and fhape I didreceiue`: of fen withfor_ And lo,my finfull mothereke,in fumedidme conceiue. rowofheart. t'falm. s 1. S' And I withculls manyone,amforebefitabout : I'£al.e}o, :4. My;fuines increate,and:focomeon,I cannotfpie themout. ve a s. Forwhy, in number theyexceed the haires vponmyhead;, My heartBoth faint forvery feare,that I am almofl dead. Pfal.143.4. Thus inme inperplexitie,is mineaccombred fpright: And in me in my troubledheart,amazedand afflight. Pfalin.9o.s. The wickedworkes that Ihaue wrought,thou fetti beforethine cie My fecret faults,yeaekemythoughts,thy countenanceloth efpie. Pialm.I 30.3: 0Lord myGod,ifthou(halt wey my finnes,and themperufe : What one (hall thenefcape and fay,I canmy felfeexcufe? 1)(4,11.143.y. In iudgemeut with thy feruant Lord,oh enternotat all: . Prayerfor Foriuflifiedbein thy fight,not onethat liuethfhail. fardon ofins know"e4nd Andforthy pitieplentifull,OLordI thee intreat: Ram. Tograntme pardon for my finne,for it is wondrous great. OLordwhat earthlyman dothknow,theerrorsofthis life? I'(alm.r9.z2. Thenclenfe me from niyfecretlinnes,whicb areinmemotirife. Andkeepeme,thatprefumptuous finnespreuailenot ouermee; And then I(hall be innocent,andgreatoffences flee.