Thejabs dn4j7g bs, o ilrepents'st',Ameri.' To theeOLord myGod,loe Irdt2 ,ílretchi nyacratttn.g handsj . 4',°ß Myfoule defirethaftcrthee,asdoth the ,til iIielagds:; , ', i As handmaidswatch theirmiff ris,hands,fotnegrace fortoatchiue:: So I behold thee, LordmyGod,tiIl ihqudóe Pralrn.143.4 4.airhfhem. tngiteflnde. fire ofrecöcili. estro with GOA!. Ppäa5.?..` Lord turne theeto thyweuted racer y'flltefoujAVR ,Ok cio5rl Psalm,.6;'' Ofame me norfor my,deftrts,but forthyincrciefakir, r;nio,iiritea i r =fc;Ott My foule whydoet} thou faint andquáile ? foloro,i jzhparnC°plrefft s { ; 3: Pfl.gz , With thoughts whydçeft thy felfeaífa.ile?fo loreWithin rlryhrel}r,arl:ile,a rerh withdi. f.rrss;,uneila- bossretb to o- uercorrfe it. verf.12. Trutt in the Lord thy Godalway,anyrou chrr time flak fee: Togiue him thankes with laud andpraife,for health reflorde to thee. For vby ? hisangerbut a (pace loth lal+,and flackeagaine : But inhis fauour andhis gtace,alwaydoth liferentaine. Though gripes ofbriefe andpangsfull fore,doe lodgewith theeall night.: TheLord to ioy (hall thee refore,before the daybe light. The Lord is kind and mcrcifull,when (inners doehim grieve :. The flowedto conceiue a wrath,and readielf toforgiue. And looke whatpitieparents deare,vnto their childrenbeare: Like pitre bearesthe Lord to fuch,asworfhip him in (care. The Lordthat made meknowes my fhape,my mould and fafhion iu i :. Howweake and frailemy nature is,andhow Iam butdufi. OGod create in me anheart,vnfpotted in thy fight: And eke within my bowels Lord,renue a fable fpright. With thy free fpirit confirm thoume,and.1will teach therefore Sinners thywaies,and wicked lball be turned tothy lore. Myfoule israuifht withdefire, and neuer isatreß : But feckes to know thy judgements hie, and what maypleafe theebeh. Owould to God it might theepleafe,mywaiesfoto addreffe : That.I mightbothinheart and voyce,thylawes keeps andconfefle. Pfalm.30.6. verf.?.' ï'falm.i.o3,g. 6.Pnsyerir . r,generatiois andGod, bol: Juiz. P1411.3140. +serf,r 2, 7. Prayerfor o&ediëceto God in ersr lirseaand- calling. PP.l. 1940.. vtrCs. In