Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

TO THE RIGHT VVOR- íhipful'1, M. D. C'eîar, Iudge of theAdmiraltie Court , andMager of her 'Atatellies it CourtofRequefles. N the courfe ofmans life there be three things,(right Worfhipfull) atthewhich mans rninde lothvfually airne:to abound inknowledg,to increare in riches,& tobe exalted to honor. ifknov ledgcbe the mark at whichmanaimeth,vvhat better knowledge then a to knowGodtheFother,&whììbehith.VentlefirsC4riff?ab b.+ v 3. for hisaotoot'lseternal1life.ibistoSalot on was t'`o . h thebe ir,nrn ofwt.itome,thistohimwasctheendo ` ,C12.t g . ! . .f d I h,i S. all. Paul, he made but adhale accof,tofotherthings ei Tim 6,6 tn refpe&ofthisknowledgeofhis Lord Ieins.Ifriches in thisworld,e Godlmes and 4 8. isgreatgaine,andbathapromímenofthis life. 'I Abraham had experience Gen. i 3 .;- ofit,andLot for his fake ; lofephhadexperienceofit,andhis h progenie for his Q:Gen F fake. Ifhonourbe our hauen in which we would rea, behold what honour is 4n. 4 this that aman 1Jbouldbecalled thefanneofGod?The loniof Tharoahsdaugh. h Gen.47 ter an high title , yet e2lofes did rather .choofe to bee a formeof GOD, 1' k then tobecalledthefanneofl'haroahsdaughter. To dwell in the tentesofthe -nightie though vngodl agreat place,yetDauid t hadrather be a door-keeper Iie B I. inGods houle.,then to dwellin the tabernacles ofTisch great perfonages. Is the i t fa 54 : 0 knowledge ofGodinChri(},fuchabeneftte?whythenfofew Salomon!? why fo few Pauls in the world? Is Godltneffefa gainfull, as Paule faith it is?yet few Abraham,,few lofephs. Is to becalledClod.- fome, filch amatter ofhonour? Afofes thought fo,Dauid thought fo : but they are dead. Men in thefe dayes,if Salomon trifdome were butt.hefeareofglod ,would not accompanie the sn ..QueeneofShebahtoheare his tvifdonse: for n a greaterthen Salomon is beer r r I`;,;,__ atmongitthem,and his°wifdorne is thought nreerfoolïfhneffe : If7'anlefhor lde ga but once fay that he accountedall thinrger dung in refpeti of(brill lefts :: then with F Feflus,Paule Paule,thouart befidethyfelfe. And as for the re(}ofthe n, q "rt''° x., hohamen: O foolifh Abraham,0 foolifh Iofeph,which truf}ed much in God, 4 and not inyourfelues. Othrife foolifhMores and Dauid, who for the bare e r.cer3. feare ofGodwould forgoe filchgreat callings. Thus reafoneth the wife man -, ' 9. thus thecouetous man,thus the ambitious man, thus all men who arenot gtd- °4 <ded by the fanó3ifying'fpiritof theeuerliuiti God, But bath a man this fp rit? ,t en